Do you like Holy pally healing? And how you feeling about TWW?

Well, agree to disagree I guess.

In my opinion this is one of the most fun iterations of Hpal I’ve seen since Legion. But it’s all subjective of course. Hpal now its Simpler, effective, more fun. If anything it will receive even more nerfs (we have been nerfed 6 weeks in a row in beta so far).

  • Holy Shock is once again our spammable spot heal.

  • WoG finally heals again. We are good at spot healing once again which was our niche.

  • Our mana is a non issue now. Hated myself so much during S3/S4 due to this.

  • Holy Light once again has a well defined purpose.

  • Virtue is still pretty good and feels amazing with our core spells now. This alone is my favorite healer ability in the game so I’m glad is still extremely good.

  • We got to keep rising sunlight and Wings feels finally impactful again. Thank God.

I would rather have all of the above over beacons being strong. Or having glimmer (as much as I loved DB). Or Tyr’s. Or Ashen Hallow. Or LotM. For me it was well worth the price.

We are no longer a weird mediocre caster/melee hybrid healer with 20+ buttons that did nothing on their own anymore and goes oom just by pressing their buttons.

However, things I do miss: 1 min Sac, Light’s Protection 10% DR, Barrier being stronger and the capabilty to do some decent dps.


Perfectly agree with everything

Also, light of the martyr is absolutely immaculate. Best thing ever. I love how perfect the balance between the positives and negatives are of the ability

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I think the rework to LoTM was great. Hpal already had too many keybinds post rework, some of them did almost nothing and were pointless to keep. They reworked lotm to give more power to holy shock with a slight negative effect, it was a good decision imo. A ton of hpals want holy shock to hit hard, now it does.

I think what I would do next is replace Tyrs with something else. Make that a really interesting row. Maybe something that empowers wings even further and makes it do something cool, im not sure. But tyrs is really boring in general, and now that it will be weaker it just doesnt seem necessary. It doesn’t have to be outright removed, it can go somewhere else maybe, but ideally we get something a bit stronger that impacts either a cooldown we already have or gives us a new one that is a bit more fun than tyrs.


Beacon is still exceptionally strong, occasionally being our #1 healing source. On top of the fact that it now provides DR. It’s honestly in a good place right now.


I’m glad you’re enjoying it. I think at this point the most I can hope for is a choice node with some underused talent that gives players like myself who enjoy the sacrifice mechanic some means to carry that concept forward within the new design.

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Go with ret. Holy is going to be trash the ENTIRE expansion.

I agree with you on all points.

I would also add that AC is now viable for once which is nice for us AC enjoyers.

Holy is in a great place.

Crusader strike was just nerfed back by 12% and Judgement by 8%. So it’s not as strong as last week.