Do you "identify" with any of the Community Council members?

Why do you just make the assumption that everyone who does boosting sells their gold? you’re being an absolute clown for no reason. speaking for myself all the gold I get from boosting goes into my alts and prog for the next tier/expansion.

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It would be no different than me being the first blacksmith with recipes crafting items and selling them to turn around and invest the money in my own enjoyment of the game. Get off your high horse.

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so you are in the same guild as the CC member, sensation?
makes sense now…no confidence in that member now…blizz already offers boost service. this is why it should be against tos to PUBLICLY advertise in game or on forums that you are a booster

A not-so-insignificant % of the CC members are also Mythic raider/CE types (they state as such in their intro posts), and Mythic raiding is fairly expensive gold-wise… so these are players that are most likely going to have a neutral-to-“in favor” opinion of boosting (since they personally benefit from it).

My guess is they don’t really have an issue with trade chat being constantly spammed/cluttered up with boost sale ads because they themselves/their own Mythic raid guilds are probably selling similar boosts “on the side” to cover the various costs of Mythic raiding (mats, consumables, etc).

If I was personally benefitting from the WoW token/boosting (…indirectly thru selling boosts with my guildies on “off nights”), obviously I’m not gonna argue against it or have any issues with the idea of boosting… 2 + 2 = 4, cause and effect

Blizzard doesn’t sell BoEs and consumables on the in-game shop you bonehead. Nor do they sell gear to startup a new alt so that you can bring it into raids/m+ to play with your friends.


all im gonna say is people on that council better have as much passion as some of us for this game and try to keep it alive and in a healthier state for older/newer generations. it’s literally like planet earth in the sense. spent many hours/years playing WoW, many fond memories. of course i’d hate to say goodbye.

why do i say this? because i’ve seen many negative posts where people tell others “if you don’t like the game then quit” to me those type of people are whats killing this game. those types of people are the ones when your struggling they’d tell you to just give up.

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back in the day when i raided heroic dungeons/raids, we made our gold by farming, doing dailies, etc. i guess high end modern players are ‘above’ that sort of work…

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they sell boosts…

Are you telling me that if someone wants to give me gold for a service that can easily be done no different than providing any other service in the game that benefits their character. I’m not allowed to take it because a few bad eggs decides they were going to break the TOS? Don’t think so.


I applied to join the council because WoW is my favorite video game of all time, and I sincerely hope that it is still here in a few years. I feel the way it has been trending it may well continue on the steep decline so I want to do what I can to keep it around as long as possible.


In the current day the economy is so inflated that doing simple things such as farming mats and dailies does not cover the costs of progression for high-end players. This is no longer 2013. You also have to consider time efficiency. You’re not going to spend 10 hours farming herbs when you can make the same amount of gold boosting for 2hrs.

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i am a returning player who LOOOOOOVES wow. i guess being away for 7years has really opened my eyes to the big issues in the game, and in game boosting is a HUGE one. i would love to app to council, but i no longer have over 1k posts made (i am assuming at some point the forums were redone for i can’t find any posts made by me from way back when) and am no longer considered an ‘endgamer’ for i have not done mythics, even though i raided at highest level at the time of my departure. not sure how they pick the folks, but i agree…choose folks that CARE about the game <3

It should be against TOS to publicly advertise in game or on forums that you boost or sell gold. Again, blizzard sells boosts and there are several routes of making gold for raids that do not rely on boosting. also, i am done responding to you, if you wish to be civil and mature, hit me up then <3

You are completely irrational. I’m not sure why you think anyone should take you seriously. You’re also so narrow minded that I find it hard to believe you’d contribute any value to a collective that’s being put in place to get a variety of viewpoints and argue anything that doesn’t align with your own. It’s not meant to be a pissing contest.


so i just read that post from cc and these are my thoughts of how boosting harms in the following ways:
–it enforces a pay to win mentality amongst players; a ton of players buy gold to keep boosting alts (nobody wants to level them, they just want to be top level or have ezpz gear)
–the booster is who profits more than player; nearly all boosts require player to recieve zero loot and be afk at start of instance. how do players learn content if they can’t participate?
–boosting in game KILLED low level areas; you can’t find dungeon groups while leveling and people will be toxic if you use lfg channel. (i experienced this yesterday while trying to find a level 30 group for dungeons on mankrik server…i was told to git gud and buy boosts like everyone else)
–in game adverts DOMINATE your chat; putting them on ignore further enables the behavior. reporting seems like it does not work either.
–boost mentality feeds into ‘fomo’ culture and the need to be fast or miss out.

i hope this gives you my ‘rationale’ for why i personally am so against it. i bet you that there are many many players who share this concern too. hope prosident/basil reads this

What boost do people get zero loot from…

It seems like Meltrissa “nailed” the common denominator in the use of the qualifier “casual” where the primarily “solo” player’s time in world is referred to as casual. It also seems that there is a not at all subtle elevation of “hardcore” players in relation to “casual”.

I am passionate about my WOW play which consists of quests, exploring, dungeons I can complete solo, pet collecting, pet pvp battling, and leveling alts. All just mentioned provide me with a highly enjoyable form of recreation. I work in a people contact intensive job, am an introvert, and find solo play an effective way to de-stress.

For me, solo play is relevant, not at all casual, and I certainly hope regarded as a valid and vital choice for WOW playtime.

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Okay so your problems with boosting are based around fundamental flaws in the game. So why are you trying to discredit people who are just using it to their advantage to meet the ends of the content they enjoy doing? I don’t care for boosting myself it makes pugging content awful because the standards are blown out of proportion. However, I’m not going to ignore something that can efficiently supply me with what I need and save me more time to play the game rather than worry about if I’ve got the gold to cover my needs. But also keep in mind you’re speaking primarily in regards to TBC which I have no interest in so I cannot speak on boosting in that context. As for chat issues with spamming, it’s very much annoying which is why I’ve opted to moving trade to a chat tab that I never look at. It’s all just flaws in the game that have become growing pains over more and more time. The council is there to give input on said growing pains in hopes to remedy them or ease them but it’s not a flawless system as it’s still in the baby stages being so newly implemented. Essentially my point is don’t jump to conclusions that everyone participating in boosting is bad. We are simply just using the tools at our disposal to make our ends meet. There’s always the minority involved in things that give a bad name to the entire group by going against what is viewed as morally acceptable. I’ve wanted blizzard to implement the old systems they used to have years and years ago with valor and justice points as a way to get a defined outcome from the efforts being put into the game. Being able to follow a pre-defined pathway is certainly a help when it comes to working on new characters or even up and coming players. PvE is heavily RNG based when it comes to loot and PvP was also very much struggling from this similar scenario but to a greater degree. PvP has since been touched by putting back that pathway of acquisition. Boosting is also based around the difficulty of obtaining the higher end of the gear spectrum so when content is too easy for people to complete it causes boosting to skyrocket. This tier is prime example of the content being easier than usual due to the scaling of the gem sets they introduced. The more challenging the content is the less boosting will happen because it will be strictly limited to a higher quality of group. The problem will never fully go away it’s just a fundamental of games unfortunately. Plenty of people will happily pay other people to do things they do not want to put in the effort to do themselves.

you are pro boosting for it benefits you, the individual, even though it directly competes with the legitimate boosts that blizz sells already. i understand how costly raiding can be but defending/relying on this 1 method to generate gold is not healthy for realms in general and just a poor excuse to not play the game as it was intended. does not matter if you are a ‘good guy’ booster or a ‘bad guy’ booster–at it’s core it competes with the service offered by blizz. i see it from your view, punish, but try to see it from a large portion of the player base (endgamers are not the majority either).

You keep saying service offered by blizzard. I am not referring to level boosting. The only other way to obtain gold via blizzard would involve me spending my money on tokens which is stupid when I can get gold playing the game. I’m not going to pick flowers because you think it’s the only way to legitmately make gold, that’s ignorant.

Level boosting is offered by blizzard so that people who think leveling is boring can bypass it, if you have an issue with people wanting to skip stuff they think isn’t fun to do then perhaps come up with solutions for blizzard to make that content interesting enough for more people to want to do it rather than opt out of doing it.