Do you "identify" with any of the Community Council members?

Yes, also no guilds at the world first level or even close to it would never require their raiders to buy wow tokens for gold because they all do boosting to make gold to cover their progression expenses.

what ever happened to raid guilds requiring raid members to donate to gbank each week for consumables/repairs to be provided? thats how i sustained my guild, and we did hraids often on all our alts too lol

Isn’t that a bit redundant? Why would you donate to the guild to supply repairs and consumables when you can just use that gold to cover those costs?

what does your guild acronym stand for? curious since it’s HC


Huokan Community

…so you’re part of the boosting group keeping our trade chat “permanently” spammed/cluttered up with 24/7 constant “HUOKAN” ads???

So there’s literally boosters on the WoW Community Council… yikes lol, truth really is stranger than fiction I guess :laughing: :rofl: :rofl:


<3 Thank you HC! You’re the best.

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I just maxed out my fishing in 1 post


Yes, you did.

Nat Pagle would be proud.

Change is hard.


Eh, it’s not a good look for Community Council players to be “trolling” the community like that tbh

If you’re not from Huokan you should’ve just said so, not everyone knows all the shell-guilds used by them. “HC” could easily be construed as being one of their entities to a passer-by just skimming thru this thread.

Punisherxd isnt even on the community council… the member Sensation didnt troll in this thread and only mentioned they would comment on boosting as a CE raid guild.

People need to get past the misinformation Azure is spreading as they hold a strong opinion on one side of the fence and unfortunately got baited. It would be best to just focus the thread on what you identify with and what you may not. These people are trying to elicit improvement in the game and are kind enough to take time out of their real lives to visit this forum and see what we are saying.


I take it back, Halite is adorable and can represent me as an RPer.

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omg he has the same guild tag as the council member does…i was talking to them earlier, if you bother to scroll up the thread…i also NEVER said he was on the cc…sensation is who is his guildmate

anyways, i give up…if you read the threads linked and also scroll up this thread, you can judge yourself. look at the context of the convos from earlier.

Please do some more research! He trolled you that is all.

This is their guild for your reference - a top 50 guild in the world the last tier and top 25 US the past two.

As I cannot post links go to:
and search for the guild HC on us-mal-ganis

(Healer Chat) is a Mythic focused raiding guild now located on Mal’Ganis(Previously Burning Legion). With consistent improvements across tiers, we have proven that raiding numerous hours is not required to stay competitive or stable regionally. However to sustain that competitive edge and stability, we are always on the lookout for potential additions to the roster. We welcome healthy competition and value activity/capability within a role as one of the strongest aspects in a player

If you spent more time actually looking into it rather than spreading misinformation you may have actually realized you were getting trolled. By their own admission they boost just like pretty much every other top guild to pay for their gold costs of trying to attain a high rank in the RWF. That does not mean that their guild name stands for Huokan Community… and the initials being the same shouldnt be the concrete proof you think it is.


sorry if asking a question and expecting the answer to be real equates to me being trolled. why on earth would he say that, based on the context of the convo had between the 3 of us had earlier in the thread?

To be blatantly honest with you - you hate boosting which a CE guild does. They tried to explain their stance on boosting which you did not engage in any form of meaningful discussion aside from just stating you hate boosting at which point they trolled you.

Honestly I think it is better to just do the research on Wowprogress and admit you got trolled rather than holding onto some false belief over why someone would have trolled you.


I agree to everything said here. Such a shame they create their own problems.

I don’t “identify with” any of the people who are successful burning a good laser shaped hole in the highest end, latest-greatest content.

I’m an aging adult with an even older (still alive, still soaked in WoW) dad, and neither of us have the insane reflexes needed by the newest content of the game.

I would like enchants from the other lands to actually work but they’re useless on even equipment from the same xpac they’re burned into for the most part. (when the loot iLVL got wiggled, their limit did not, so they flop at ilvl 50 ilvl60 stuff. Gone before they had a chance)

I would like the fact I’ve been playing since before TBC was released and whatever flavors of experience in quest threads to be “noticed” by NPCs who ought to maybe know me. (I have zero expectation of this. I’d still like it.)

I can be “dragged forward” by people selling the chance to “carry” me in new content. I HATE THIS and I hate having to see it in trade and I basically find it shatters my heart that only the bleeding edge gets any love.

That’s not Absolutely True A Thing mind you, truly-new PCs are getting some love too.

For the middle ground, it’s as true in every single xpac “it’s boring to be level 27, so here’s how to get to max level and over the Level Humps very quickly”.

Can I please have it less terrible to be a slow traveller instead?