Cat 1 Julius, nick name Juju or the Big Orange
Cat 2 Tuffy, nick name Bubba (he’s a fatty)
Dog 1 Lexi, nick name Dum-dum
Dog 2 Beau, nick name Jaws
Pony Meg, nick name Megatron because she can’t stand my hubby and doesn’t hide it.
Horse Bella, when she was in trouble I’d call her Noche, which was her original name. Being a mare and all, she just gave me mare-tude and ignored me anyway
I have a 1-year-old Boxer named Rex who I’ll sometimes call stinky or butt. The reason is his farts are so bad they can clear out a house.
I regularly call my dog, Leo, “ya sack o’ spuds,” though, truthfully he’s more like 10 sacks o’ spuds. Maybe 11.
I got a dog named Cheech. She’s got about 30 nicknames, I’ll list a couple.
“Lil dog”
“Lil cinnamon roll”
“Lil coffee bean”
“Mac and cheech”
“Lil Moonpie”
I add the “Lil” because hers is a little dog🥺
My pets name is Joe. He is a gray Cockatiel 17 years old. He likes to tap dance so I call him JoeJoe dancer.
This is Sassy. My niece was 9 when she named her. Never let your 9yo niece name your dog. I hate the name so I call her anything but Sassy.
Some of things I call her
Goofy/Silly Bum
Goofy/silly Fluff
Fuzz But
Goofy Goober
El Goobero Scourge of the Western Plains
Violet is her official name, but she often gets called some version of Vi-vi, Violet McButter Skidmark Junior (nieces and nephews came up with some portions of that one), or just Baby Kitty (even though she’s about 14 years old).
i have a cat named punkin, but my old roomie called her beebee for so long, it’s just stuck as her name… trying to train her into responding to her actual name though.
I have a husky named Laila that I call Laila when I want to actually get her attention. Refer to her as all sorts of things though. Bright-Eyes has been one recently, after a bit of thought. She has these really expressive icy blue eyes.
I’ve given all of my grandma’s dogs nicknames because she’s terrible at naming things and all of their names sound too similar. Confuses the doggies and the people both.
Stubby – because she was born with three functional legs and the fourth looks like someone’s toe.
Pupper-Dog – because he answered to Pupper as a puppy but now he is grown, so a distinction needed made.
Squeaker – because he makes little squeaky noises while you pat him.
Speaking of… I need to visit my grandma again soon. It has been a while.
Of course I do! Anyone that doesn’t probably doesn’t let their dog know it was a “biiiig stretchy!” when they stretch.
I swear this world is full of monsters!
growing up i tended some pigeons, majority of which went unnamed unless i banded them myself or they had very unique plumage. my relatives typically gave them names that made more sense in Tagalog whereas i would use western names
I have a brown miniature dachshund named Rusty and a white chihuahua named Bo.
My two little rascals.
o.O maybe you are the one on the lower level my friend? nothing wrong with having fur babies or giving them pet names. i dont use my pet names as passwords but good luck getting into my account half the time i forget my own passwords
You misunderstand me. Nothing wrong with having pets. If you use them for passwords its really really stupid to tell anyone their names online. Just think a bit.
ahhh well that is the individuals choice i have nothing to do with that XD. i dont use pet names for passwords in my life we took in MANY stray cats and gave them names. had 1 rescue dog which was my next door neighbors who was abused by her husband ( this is my aunty and her husband would hit the dog and literally take a lighter to its tail ). ironically we even had 1 rescure bird as well. it was someones for sure as it was domesticated but my grandpa found it in our yard and it’s wings were clipped too.
in total i think we at least had about 16-20 cats over the years. all have passed away we have about 3 outside that we feed and named but they are kept outside only and do what they want. and 2 dogs. 1 bird tons of fish. rest of our pets died. way too many names to keep up with.
My cat’s name is Artemis, after the Artemis Fowl books. (No, not the terribad movie.)
We started calling him Kittyface, because… well… this:
Somehow that turned into Kittybutt. And now we just call him Butts.
Adding a positive thread to the community, as some people will name their WoW pets after their own, is how I took it.
Why? Because people in a community like to share their life? Somehow that makes us stupid? Not everyone uses names for passwords or picks that security question, sir.
For instance, my cat’s name nor nicknames are anywhere for anything concerning security on or offline.
Congratulations, you aren’t dumb then. Many people aren’t as lucky. Share your life with friends n family not randos on WoW.
My female cat named Jellybeans often gets called J-beans. And my male cat named Bonkers often gets called Bonks or Badonkers.