Do you have pet names for your irl pets?

My dogs name is Bubba she is a black min pin. often i call her baba like a sheep going Baa… XD or i call her Baba Ganoush which i always knew was some sort of food never knew wth it actually was though but it’s some sort of dip.


I have a dog named Mowgli.
We call him Mowgli.

No, I call my pet __

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My dog’s name is Benny but we call him little dog because I made a joke about “and your little dog, too!” a really long time ago. He is not, in fact, a little dog.


Our cat’s name is Aela, named after Aela the Huntress from Skyrim since she’s an orange tabby.

Yes, I’m aware of the irony of naming a cat after a werewolf.

My wife calls her Muffin, Bean and Bean Queen.

I call her Bread.


My pet is named Deborah. Sometimes I call her Debbie.

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My pet’s name is Broccoli sometime I call her Sweet Pea.

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Yes. I thought this was super common.

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What kind of person doesn’t name their pets? I have a lot, but the 2 that are closest to me are Peanut and Nimrod, both cats.

Our cats all have pet names, they are basically our kids being the wife and I don’t have any.

Cleo is baby girl
Scooter is baby boy
Tyrion is Floof!

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I would tell you but I’d be giving away my password for everything so lets just say, my pet’s pet name is Password.


Yeap, both of my “Ancient Duskcloak” Panthras are named after my two IRL cats, Lola and Misty. :heart: :cat2: :cat2:

Yeah my dogs have nicknames.

It started as kind of a joke. My husband and I couldn’t decide on a name for our dog. With the way she was acting, I was standing pretty firm on “Spaz.” I can’t remember what he wanted to call her because this was 14 years go. Anyways, I basically threw my hands in the air and said “Fine, we’ll call her Max.” Him: “Max is a boy’s name.” Me: “Maxine.”

And the tradition of naming our girl dogs with boy names began. A year later we got her sister Sam (Samantha) and when she died in 2016 we got Charlie (Charlotte.) The next dog is probably going to be Jesse (Jessica) or Alex (Alexandra.)


Fishing for passwords? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

everyone who gave their pets name here is just on another level. A lower level. This is what they call social engineering.

Hopefully no one is that silly. Wait people use their pets name for a password?

people use variations of password for their password. absolutely they do and its often a security question for accounts of all kinds.

I have two cats. They both have the same “pet name,” the same one every cat owner gives their cat.

If you know, you know.

Yeash. Mine is made of 3 parts and none of those parts have anything to do with one another. I can’t imagine using something that simple.

A pet without a name just feels like a stranger to me tbh, can’t imagine my cat without a name