Do you have any headcanons?

My headcanon is that Bonich is actually on Earth in a place called Bonich National Park.

  • Ilgynoth was a Dreadlord that got slurped by Nzoth, ergo his death oriented whispers
  • Glutharn of Glutharn’s Decay (where all the Maldraxxi fungrets are from) is Marasmius’s “child” that became too OP due to Maldraxxi Necromantic Slime, had to be killed, and from his oozing flesh we get the mushroom forest of the area and the fungrets
  • Lady Sibyl is one of the Original Venthyr of the Court of Harvesters, or at least a former Harvester
  • There are Stormsong Kul Tirans who are mixed K’thir (a la Shadows Over Innsmouth)
  • Belore = Anshe, the visions Dathremar got for Felomelorn was from Anshe/Belore
  • Anduin looks like Arthas because the Ellerians were cousins to the Menethils
  • Jaina and Meryl are related
  • Jaina was originally being trained as a Tidesage as a young girl, Brother Pike was her tutor, he noted her magical abilities far exceeded his and recommended she go to Dalaran
  • Anshe fell in love with Xibala and had Rezan
  • Trolls are the offspring of Muehzala with a Wild God (maybe Xibala too?)
  • Thenios is the last of the Original Paragons. Maybe Vesiphone too.
  • The original not evil pre Gorak Tul Drust were taught death druidry by the Night Fae
  • The Wrynns are a cadet branch of the Arathor
  • Characters from the Founding of Durotar Campaign like Tagar and Bovan Windtotem fought and died in the final battle against Dealin Proudmoore.

  • Subject Nine and her raptors made it to the moon. Should we have an expansion or patch involving Azeroth’s moon, we shall meet them as allies.

  • The Jailer harvested and then destroyed Gul’dan’s soul recognizing the danger of someone like him.


I don’t have any headcanons but I have predictions for the rest of Shadowlands.

  1. Tirion will return as an agent of the Light - we will find out why the Light was so protective of his soul. We will also find out that the Jailer originally wanted him and the Light has intervened multiple times, even sacrificing Bolvar to keep Tirion safe. Tirion will offer absolution to Darion and Alexandros, possibly even getting some closure with Renault. There will be a confrontation again between the Ebon Blade and the Argent Crusade. Tyrosus will confront Darion about the Ebon Blade’s attack on Light Hope’s Chapel. When Darion came back he was sure that this was his destiny, we will find out more about his particular destiny as it’s been hinted that he will need to kill Bolvar, once Bolvar becomes overtaken by the jailer.

  2. We will find out that Bolvar was hunting the Dreadlrods in Legion, and he has information that will reveal the Ebon’s Blade’s purpose in the Shadowlands. This will culminate in the fight against Mal’Ganis. This is just speculation on my part, but I think Darion and Thassarian will side with Sylvanas over Bolvar. The Ebon Blade will protect Sylvanas from the Horde and Alliance’s “Justice” because she was just fulfilling her destiny. (Destiny is a huge antagonist in Shadowlands - and it will culminate in the ability to re-write Fate. That is ultimately her personal goal in the Shadowlands is to re-write her own destiny and this will portrayed through a heroic lens)

  3. The raid where we confront the Jailer - we will also confront Mal’Ganis. (possible bosses in this dungeon are Apothecary Putriss, Daelin Proudmore, Archmage Argul, Anduin and possibly Arthas himself) this will offer a lot of story exposition for both Jaina and Calia.

  4. The Infinite Dark = Death, and it’s responsible for the Emerald Nightmare. There are hints to Death being related to the machinations of the Void. Historically the Nightmare presents itself as a necrotic fog that clouds people’s minds and fills them with Death. There is foreshadowing in the novel Stormrage that the Night Warrior ritual is also related to Death. Elune herself may be revealed to be related to Death in some way. Everything organic seems to originate from the Void.

  5. The jailer has been testing the Player Character, and he’s the one responsible for all of our success. We have a “Divine Purpose.” we are “The Chosen One” and our breaking free of our Destiny aligns with Sylvanas’s and Darion’s.

  6. Redemption for Kael’thas looks like being reunited with Felo’malorne, his father’s blade and reestablishment as the King of Quel’thalas in a future undead kingdom. All the undead will become a conglomerate of the Ebon Blade and will be a third faction outside the Horde and Alliance and will have their own factions leaders within the separate races of Azeroth.

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All modern Kul Tirans have some degree of Drust ancestry.
The surviving, not-corrupted Krokul evacuated Argus aboard the Vindicaar before the giant portal closed.


I maintain this is actual canon and people insisting that Ulfar saying “The surviving Drust integrated into Kul Tiran society” doesn’t mean “had kids together” is really dumb.


The whole “big Kul Tirans are just more body types” thing folks bandy around also rings kinda false, because while some are within a justifiably human height range, a lot of them aren’t. If it were simply a matter of adding bulkier human body shapes, then they’d all still be vertically similar to other humans in-game. Some are, but a bunch of the Kul Tiran NPC’s are outright taller than any player race, including tauren, and they aren’t usually even lore characters so the excuse of making them larger for the sake of story visibility doesn’t really support it either.

We don’t have orcs or elves who arbitrarily tower over the rest to that degree (Hansel Heavyhands use to be like that to other dwarves, but they arbitrarily shrank him down a bunch when he joined the Alliance in WoD), so why the Kul Tirans? Occasional humans being glaringly taller than the rest on average adds up as just a notable variation (see: Katrina Turner in Tanaris), but when a serious portion of humans on an island that used to contain vrykul can apparently reach 9-10 feet tall (and proportionately so) while others in the same populace are comparable to humans IRL with no gameplay or meta reason for it, that rather loudly implies something else is going on with their ancestry.


Personally I would’ve:

  • Confirmed Big Thicc Humans are because of mixed Drust ancestry (and denote Drustvar family origins)
  • Tall Skinny Humans are because of mixed K’thir ancestry (and denote Stormsong family origins, a la Shadows Over Innsmouth, Lord Stormsong’s first name should be Obed!!!)
  • Both of these origins are considered “heresy”/ridiculous myths by Kul Tirans

I wish that Kul Tirans weren’t so tall.

It is still my headcanon that Scrollsage Nola is a secret Old God.

You know what? No. I’m declaring it a fact. Let Blizz fight me if they’re inclined to argue.

I think that’s only true of the skinny ones… like the Proudmoores.


As a RPer I have a few.

This first headcannon is a major part of my RP with my death knight

  • After the events of BfA Lor’Thamar has allowed high elves back into Qual’Thalas (Thanks to blue eyed blood elves being an option) and void elves are allowed back too but with heavy restrictions. Even Highborne night elves are welcomed.

  • Death knights can’t go nowhere near the sunwell in Qual’Thalas without being in an extreme amount of pain.

  • And the depowered Ashbringer is resting on Tirion’s tomb


This is the only explanation for Kul Tirans being so damn big. They’re as tall as a draenei, seriously. Put a KT next to a regular human and they are just INHUMANLY big.


The lesser-known reason for the existence of the Royal Apothecary Society is the prevention of sunburn. If a Forsaken is out in the sun for too long, their skin never heals, and so the Undercity became the single biggest producer of sunscreen and other skin treatments in the world. Which is why, as said in the blood elf joke, the Undercity was the place to go if you want to get some rad skin treatments:

“I went to Undercity to get a facial. Ha! Have you seen these people? I said, ‘You don’t have a lower jaw and you’re going to give ME a facial?’ She got mad…at least I think she did. You ever heard someone talk without a lower jaw? ‘Rawe-rau-werew’ Ho-ho! She sounded like a murloc!”


My personal suspicion is that the patriarch of the Kul Tirans did the nasty with a walrus. That explains their girth and their swimming prowess.

  • Nzoth is alive inside Xal’athat’s Blade.
  • Fel-Death & Void were working together since early WoW, but in the end they dont trust each other.
  • All undeads when they die a second time go straight to the Maw because they’re creations of Zooval.

I’m not sure if Taurens and the other playable tall races depiction ingame are meant to be used as an actual scale?

At least I thought Taurens were much larger in lore than they are ingame.

I’ve seen Forsaken souls chilling in Bastion with the others.


I have a number of headcanons that I hold to, though I can’t claim credit for most of them.

  • Lor’themar Theron and Vereesa Windrunner have some sort of negative personal history between the two of them that dates back to before the Sin’dorei/Quel’dorei divide, and that’s why they are so vocal about disliking each other despite both being on good terms with Halduron.
  • Rommath was in love with Kael’thas, and that’s why he was so loyal to him and failed to notice the path that Kael’thas was heading down until it was too late.
  • There was some sort of supernatural involvement in Darion Mograine’s birth, beyond the miracle that Alexandros ascribed his survival to, and Elena’s death may have been connected. Alexandros either does not suspect this or is in deep denial about it. Relatedly, the Light has some sort of plan for Darion, either as something since his childhood or as part of the deal he made to save Alexandros, and that’s why he’s still “alive” after the Legion incursion into Light’s Hope, rather than having been turned completely to ash.
  • Darion insists on wearing a helm that almost completely covers his face when in armor because he is self-conscious about how young he looks since he’s physically still in his late teens, and he doesn’t want anyone to treat him differently because of it, especially the living. He’s also fairly thin and lean in build compared to Alexandros thanks to not having the most reliable access to good nutrition during puberty, but his armor hides it and makes him look larger than he actually is.
  • Lilian Voss is loosely acquainted with Darion, as the Voss family met the Mograine family a handful of times before any of them died, thanks to interactions between various members of the Silver Hand before and after the fall of Lordaeron. They met again in Legion, as they were both working with their respective order halls, but Whitemane’s existence as a newly-raised death knight made it really awkward.
  • One of the reasons Bolvar decided to continue keeping up the story that he was dead, rather than eventually tell Taelia the truth once she was an adult, was because he saw how much Darion was trying to help him and knew everything that Darion did in his attempt to save his own father, and he didn’t want to risk the chance that Taelia might attempt similar behavior if she knew Bolvar was alive.
  • Mathias Shaw and Edwin VanCleef were romantically involved when they were much younger.

I would love to see some closure with Tirion and Renault, especially since Whitemane and Darion are now close colleagues. Throw Taelan in there too, and we’d have a giant heap of father-son issues to sort out. I’d love to see Elena show up as well, but I’m not hopeful unless she gets the Draka treatment to pull her out of the dead-moms-who-barely-exist-as-characters pile.


Thats bad news for Moose mounts and giant eagles.

Maybe that’s why their eagles don’t become fatigued when crossing the ocean.