Do you guys use wasd on keyboard for moving?

Well obviously not s, or do you only use your mouse to move around?

Mouse and Q, E to strafe


Mostly W, Q, and E with mouse turning.

w forward, a and d to strafe, mouse to turn. I thought this was considered standard, but maybe times have changed

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You’ll be able to spot the OGs in this thread if they use Q and E to strafe. Back in the days of old (until WOTLK pre-patch) the default strafe binds were Q and E. Wrath pre-patch they swapped them to A and D to follow suit with most every other game so any account made before WOTLK is still using Q/E as default.

All my other games use A and D as strafe now but I’ve become so accustomed to having those keys used as abilities that I can’t swap.

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ESDF and mouse to turn.

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A and D to strafe left and right, mouse for everything else.

Middle mouse button to auto run.

You forgot to mention you do more damage when you strafe side to side during burst.


W Forward S Backpeddle A and D Strafe. Mouse for turning.

I use my mouse to run. A and D for strafe left / right.


My tablet keyboard has the S key enlarged so I can press it easier to kite.

Calling BS on this. I literally just created a new character in BFA (on a new realm) and a and d are still turn left/turn right with Q and E strafe.

If you create a new character on the same realm as your existing characters, some of your default keybinding (like strafe) will be remembered.

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Yeah idk what they’re thinking of but A and D were always turn left/right, not strafe, Q and E were strafe and they still are today.


1-4 fingers rest on keys 2-5 and my thumb rests on V and B which I use to strafe. The power of thumbs

QWE + mouse 2 to move camera

I just click everything. And use wadqe

I’m movement-flexible, it depends on what I’m doing. Generally, I use W to go forward, mouse to turn and q/e for strafe.

:woozy_face: :woozy_face: :woozy_face: :woozy_face: :woozy_face: :woozy_face:

a and d strafe, w, mouse turns, tilde auto run