Do you guys use addons for Malefic Procs


the insta cast and bonus dmg ones

i always just forget to use them

No, I just run with Afenar’s warlock class WA. It doesn’t have a tracker for wither but since I run with AC I don’t really need to keep track of that dot. The weak aura I use has a buff that shows my procs on top of the base Blizzard UI giving me the fancy whack-a-mole option for my insta raptures.

I just make weak auras for buffs and its easy to track that way. Prefer to do them manually my own way, but its pretty easy to set up and some buffs have premade settings.

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Was forced to use Weak Auras because i was missing so many of them too.

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I don’t use an addon for it. I just pay attention to my character.


I made a weak aura for both malefic rapture and nightfall procs to track their duration and stacks so i can prioritize which ones to cast before they run out or go beyond max stacks.


I just make my own.
The premade ones are too busy and require too much focus to find the info your looking for.
Keep it simple.

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made weak auras for the malefic procs and buffs or whatever and now i realize how much damage i was just leaving on the table. kinda crazy because i was still top or near top damage but now it should be waaayyy better (pvp)

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