Do you get a sub refund for ban periods? Help please

They won’t refund you.

If you’re on a 6-12 month subscription, you probably have a case to charge back. Not saying it’s a clear cut, but the bottom line is, you did pay to play for 6-12 months and now Blizzard is saying you can’t because they don’t like you. Even the Soup guy from Sienfield gave refunds after taking the soup away and yelling “No Soup for you.”

That’s there right, but common rules of fairness say they give you the money back. I’m sure the ToS says something or other about how they have the right to own your soul no matter what, but ToS have always been very iffy when used as legal documents.

Of course if you charge back, you will lose your account permanently, no matter how it goes. So consider that too.

lol u lying

what why ?

Because Blizzard is providing a live service to you… and if you charge back, they simply put a black flag on your account and will refuse to do business with you in the future.

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I think that might be the extreme punishment.

What I think usually happens is let’s say you did a faction change and you did something like, picked the wrong character. You put in a ticket and Blizzard doesn’t help you for whatever reason so you take it up with your bank and do a charge back. Blizzard will probably just lock that character until you pay for it.

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So if someone got a 6 month sub today, then got wrongfully banned for 6 months later in the day, that new 6 month subscriber (let’s say they’re a new player and not really sure how things work) would have their account locked indefinitely after charging back which, honestly, would seem like a very reasonable thing to do in their situation?

Yea this definitely sounds a bit more fair to me

I mean, that hypothetical wouldn’t happen. To get banned for 6 months, you really have to have a track record of being a flushed turd with numerous bans. But I disgress.

Yes, Absolutely. Blizzard can refuse to provide service to anyone for any reason they want. They refuse to accept your credit card payment (because you charged them back in the past), you don’t get to play WoW.


Nope :smiley:
You snooze you loose

It is true, i had a GM tell me this in SL when i was trying to get some time back

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Were you in a group that was selling carries? I’m pretty sure there have been cases where entire raids received bans when only a few people coordinated RMT that everyone else didn’t know about.

No, they don’t refund game time if you are suspended or banned.


We’ll refund any unused World of Warcraft subscription within 14 days of the purchase.

We won’t refund subscription time lost due to a suspension and/or permanent account closure. For permanent account closures and suspensions longer than 15 days, we will cancel upcoming recurring subscriptions.

Errors can be made in the detection criteria used. It is not common, but can happen. You will want to make sure to put in an appeal ticket as directed in the email.

You can keep appealing until they tell you that doing so again will result in your account getting penalized for harassing the GMs. That takes several requests.

If it is determined to be a mistake, they can grant game time back to you and sometimes extra, to correct their mistake. If it is overturned, you can feel free to ask. Worst they can say is no.

Correct. They sometimes will grant a one time exception for the Battlenet account when someone has extenuating circumstances. A ban or suspension is not one of those though.

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Unbelievable… simply unbelievable!

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Appealing the ticket and posting in Customer Service have much more effect than posting in GD. Mistakes do happen at times, I have seen them, but you need to go through the proper channels.

I second this because over in CS they know better than to troll like these GD trolls are doing right now when all the OP is asking for is an answer not some lecture about not being believed.

Thanks again everyone for the help and the constructive messages!

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If you didn’t do something wrong, then you should go for it dude, if not… then just cry :stuck_out_tongue:

Six-month suspensions are the typical first-offense penalty for RMT and hacking/botting/cheating offenses.

Edit - Dammit, suckered into posting in a month-old necro.

Ez dont buy gold or a carry by swiping. Buy the wow token by swiping and youll never get banned…

Didnt get any refund and ban wasn’t overturned. Jeez. Guess Blizz is taking these things differently now with the 120k ban BluePost too lol. Idk how I get considered a botter for using LFG but life goes on. Will continue Dragonflight in Season 3 I guess or I’ll play Diablo :stuck_out_tongue:

Crap i just did