Do you feel lonely while playing single player games?

Hi everyone.

So, I have tons of games in my Steam and Epic accounts, but i only proper finished maybe 4 or 5 games. There are games that i bought over a decade ago, but i still haven’t played it yet.

I really want to play these games, but many times i end up unninstaling it after few hours of gameplay, mostly cause i feel lonely. It’s sad to play all that cool stuff but there is no one around to share with you all that experience and fun.

90% of the all playtime i had in my life was at online games, i think. Maybe because of this i can’t fully enjoy single player games.

Anyone else feels that too? How do you deal with it?

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No, I actually prefer single player games. Especially good indy games. I generally avoid AAA multibillion dollar :poop:.

Dead Estate beats WoW any day IMHO.

The only problem with those good single player indy games is that they end. And then I come back to WoW lol

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You could stream them to your friends in discord. Could generate a discussion and maybe some more fun as they participate.

I’ve both streamed by games and participated by watching people. My friends streamed Classic for 4 hours and I lay in bed and chin-wagged with them.

I love single player games. Being alone in Valheim for 750 hours was bliss.

Currently playing Dragon Quest XI.

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I’m definitely not the type of person who likes to appear and speak to an audience. :sweat_smile: :confounded:

Also, i have only one friend interested in games, but he is a hardcore gamer, he prefer to spend his limited time actally playing and not watching others :joy: . But we play together when i go to his home, sometimes.

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Given how many people pug in wow I’d say we collectively love single player games.

Who needs friends when you have randos and AI?

Never! I much prefer playing alone.

Funny enough i was just thinking about this this very morning.

I like single player games. I enjoy them. And i play them over and over again.

I would love a single player version of WoW. Think it would be killer.

But playing WoW solo (avoiding group content) drives me up a wall lol

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I know that is weird, because i don’t like to play alone, but at same, time i have difficult to communicate with pre organized groups like gilded and discord groups.

That is why i like wow. I can play with other people but in a casual level, like Dungeon and raid finders, and casualy joining force to complete some open world activities.

I can yack on guild discord while playing single player games, so no.

Not lonely, but I have a harder time getting immersed in single player worlds. They feel more disposable. it’s the persistent lived-in world that attracts me to MMOs more than any actual social interaction.

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