Do you feel less enjoyment by boosting?

You’re better off comparing the gold cost.

So for example, if someone is selling KSH (as in, 20 timed +20s), you’re probably looking at 12 mil gold. That’s about $1200 in tokens.

CE probably costs about the same. I don’t know what glad costs but it’s probably close as well to the others.

Your true “legit” cost, that is doing everything by the book, if you just bought tokens, would probably be around $3500.

It got more expensive to buy legit boosts are boosting communities were banned. Thank Blizz for that one.

I’ve completed mage tower and I have parsed in mid 90th percentile using an off meta build. I also have a couple of 100% parses for my ilvl as comparison.

I can complete the content, this removes the need to find groups which is a pain and the time requirements which my schedule doesn’t allow (which is why I don’t mythic raid.) As you can see I have top gear already outside of vault because of 3 months of horrible luck when half my gear can be upgraded to 278.

Good to know. This would increase to 12 days over what an 8 month period. Doing something like one day overtime every other week would sill leave me enough to have gold to spare. And still leave 7 days to play wow every 2 weeks.


Correct. You’re still going to save a lot of time.

People who default to “you only boost because your bad” really don’t understand the “time is money” concept. Or that there are some of us (e.g. myself) who play professions/AH to fund their boosting instead.

The point I’m making is: you do you and enjoy the game the way you want to play it. Nobody else is paying your sub for your and should have 0 say about how you play the game.


You’re right to think that way now that there’s a direct link between real world money and in-game achievements.

I would say, then, change the way you think about the game. If I come back to retail for Dragonflight I’m not going to put any stock in achievements or whatever because they can be bought with $. I’ll try to just find parts of the game I enjoy doing. If that’s stomping the raid on heroic in a casual guild so be it. If that ain’t enough, back to WOTLK (assuming they don’t F it up).

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I mean you clearly are able to get end game gear, and got a high enough score to keep getting weekly gear and shouldn’t have a problem getting into groups, so in my mind whats the point of mythic raiding when you can get the same gear in a sense.

But since it seems your main concern is mythic raiding, well… you can always come back an expansion or two later and solo it or with a small raid group? Can always come back for the transmog and chance for the mount. Only thing you miss out on is AoTC quest mounts i guess

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I dont boost so doesnt really bother me. Wish they would ban sales though. Feels like it takes away the sense of community of helping fellow players and/or learning your spec/class

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Its not about the gear. In fact if I could get a cheaper boost without the gear I’d buy that instead. For me its about the collectables.

Nor is it about some sense of showing off as I’d be up front about buying it.

Nearly more than 30% of all mounts are unobtainable and its even worse for titles and weapon illusions. As a collector/completionist this really sucks. If I had the option to buy these things straight from the shop I would, or better yet have a TW event that would make them always obtainable. I still haven’t played a monk because the only transmog I like for them was an elite pvp set that I can’t get because I didn’t know it existed until after it was gone.

I’ve recently discovered I have little desire to play the game anymore because so much of it is simply impossible for me to get and it gets worse with every season. This is kind of a last ditched attempt to see if it might make the game more enjoyable.

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This is my issue with boosting - when I have someone who looks good on paper sign up for a 15 key and they don’t know mechanics and are doing less dps than the tank. And then they kill my key.

Even if they are decent, but not nearly as good as their boosted scores suggest, its really frustrating.

Using boosting to get rewards, I don’t care. Using it to worm your wait into groups that you are not experienced for - that is inconsiderate to the other people in the group, it’s deceitful, and it’s just plain selfish.

Granted, I generally spend more time looking at their raider io to weed these people out… but I know this has burned a lot of people.

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You don’t become a better player because you have KSM.

You don’t find reliable friends in game to play with because you have KSM.

I have bought a boost from time to time for a mount that come from heroic raiding. I also bought a bunch of boosts for the heirlooms weapons from Siege of Ogrimmar before they weren’t available anymore.

None of my boosts have hurt any other players. The heirloom weapons have more than made up the cost with all of the alts I’ve leveled with them.

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I do remember this being one of the times I had previously though about buying a boost. I do have one but those weapons are amazing in TW with the amount of gem slots they have.

No but that is not what I’m looking for anyway.

Again not what I’m looking for but a high IO at the beginning of the season does mean far less time getting into group while pugging. And its not even an IO that I wouldn’t get anyway (unless I buy KSH which I could get, but I’ve been to lazy to go through grinding my IO up to get into 20’s) it does reduce the grind through the 8-12 key levels which is usually pretty bad.

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I’ve never boosted but if I did I think I would feel too embarrassed to keep playing the game. There are people who boost and don’t feel this way at all. They are happily pretending they earned it. To each their own. It’s your money/gold.

Dear OP,
What would the point be? Or is that the hidden point of your post?

$1,700? Well not my place to tell you what to do with your money just word of warning using these boosting sites is well in most games nowadays against ToS

May I ask why?

As I had stated in a prior post I wouldn’t pretend that I had earned anything I bought. It would be to get the collectable items above anything else. But than I’ve never seen any of these things being all that prestigious in that you are somehow special for having them. Most of them are a checklist of several things (dedicated time set aside every week, a group that needs your role/class, the ability to complete said content) if you are missing either of the first two than you are equally screwed as not having the skill. There are tons of great players who miss out on these things because they happen to be loners, play a non meta spec, a role that has very limited spots for or just at odd times. Meanwhile there are people who are carried because they can show up week after week and never miss a raid.

It seems to me a silly thing to hold someone in esteem because of those reasons. The one thing I do hold this way is the mage tower as its solo and you can’t be carried. But even there its no more than a cool you completed it and move on.

You can buy these services with gold and you can buy gold with money. I simply laid out the math. And only RMT’s are against the ToS you can freely sell carries as long as they are for gold and are done by a guild and not boosting communities. And judging by trade chat there are a ton of people willing to sell them.

Yeah, and seeing other people able to be boosted in content makes me not want to do said content. Even goes for leveling in Classic, I feel dissatisfied with leveling or ‘making progress’ when people can just boost and get ahead. It’s why I was far less hyped for TBC and the ‘race to max level’ since it was all boosting. Wrath will be more of the same, some sort of group boosting probably out in the world to max first. Instead of it just being who has the best quest route, gets ahead, kills mobs the most efficiently it’s usually some other weird form of gameplay that I don’t find fun so I won’t partake.

I would argue that PvP boosting is also more harmful than PvE boosting since it affects other players very negatively and directly.

It’s likely not “entirely” rmt site but rather gold values that OP counted back to cash via current token value.

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PvE boosting is a slow rot. It creates passive escalation of requirements in order to more effectively filter out boosted individuals.

Probably would if I sank that low.
But even I have standards.

In a way, yes. But the community also drives that market by requiring more arbitrary ‘values’ like higher rio, etc. The other problem is everyone always wanting to play FOTM for content it’s not needed in. See: Classic with that one a lot.

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