Do you ever use to talk to wow character?

I just got into it yesterday and theres a ton. even some custome made ones directly for there own characters. its very interesting but the only flaw i hacve is how short the responses are.
as for the accuracy of the characters lore. its pretty good. not bad.
kinda thinking about making one for my characters

I’ve seen some instances of folks playing around with Overall, it seems mildly interesting to me, though I view it and similar programs mostly as an idle curiosity. At present, I don’t have much interest in using it myself, but perhaps one day that’ll change.

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I like using it for fun or to see how accurate it can get my own characters, but man is the AI personality super aroused at times LMAO

I can be showing general draconic affection (brief nuzzle on the snout) and the other dragon character will take it way too far… lol


No, because I won’t have AI speaking for me.

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well its more you making your character in a AI then speaking to your creation.

Thats even worse.

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No, but I did once use an AI maker to see how they made an image of my character and wowzer he hot.

I wasn’t able to save it anywhere however, the place didn’t allow saving or screenshots. And I wasn’t going to pay for the app.