Do You ever login and say?

Do you ever login and say to yourself Why Am I still Playing this ?

It seem like more than ever then I login I just log out.


Nope, I know what I’m logging in to do every time.


If I wasn’t having fun playing, I wouldn’t play.


Actually, yes. More so now than ever, in fact. I usually end up logging off after a bit. I’ve actually been going days at a time without logging in. There’s just not enough new or interesting content coming out and the classes are boring to play. So, I feel you.


I log in and do my dailies and anything else that I want to / need to do before the weekend hits. At no time to do I ask “why am I playing”. Even though I feel BFA has been a :poop: show I still enjoy the game enough to keep playing but I will say they are treading on thin ice so hopefully they turn things around.


I did everyday! And now I’m logged out for good, I’m enjoying a lot of games I gotten on steam and lots of Netflix on my free time:) even some reading! :smiley: my sub dies ina few days. Honestly where I’m at now there’s no reason to log in, and the new raid seems like TOV 2.0 which I didn’t enjoy back in legion. So until pvp gets vendors or until the next expansion or BFA get major fixes :wave::wave:


log in, check emmisary, see ap reward, log out


I’ve been logging in and then contemplating if I wanna waste my time trying to pug a 10… or pugging the weekly islands or time walking… then i log out because I realize the only thing I do lately is just raid.

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:thinking: No.


Nope, if i did not want to play i would not log in. But as long as i am having fun i will keep playing. And i am having fun.


Log in, log out. Go downtown instead.

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Close but not quite. Instead I ask myself “Is there a reason to log on today?” Most of the time the answer is no if it’s not a raid night. But I’ll defintiely log in today to do some darkshore stuff.

Eh, I’m just kind of using it as an interactive chat room while I wait for the raid to start.

Your not even 370 ilvl…? No content to do you say?

During BC, WotLK and Cata I did. Since then, nope. My only regret was I didn’t get the collector’s edition for BC or WotLK since I was so unsure about staying subscribed (at that point, my MMO average was 3 years and I had been with WoW since launch so I was looking for other games to move on to).

For the first time i’m raid logging. I hated people that did that now i have become what i hated…


Tarc a man after my own heart <3

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If you log in log in! If you wait for a raid see it through! If you want to smoke a doobie finish it! If you want to go downtown don’t stop at the corner store (except for a drink on the way)!