New Guild established 05-07-2023
12/12 icc w Lich King kill. 8/10 heroics
54/54 25 ulduar w/ 1 night clears+yogg 0
•Raid Times: Tues &Thurs 7:30pm-10:30pm server
•Goals: Clean, competitive and efficient gameplay without burning our team out. We are not a speed running guild. We expect all of our raider to strive for the absolute best. Coming to raid as prepared as they possibly can be and to be focused on both personal and raid performance.
•Loot: currently our loot is done via loot council.Primary Factors for loot distribution are Performance, Attendance, Size of upgrade, Time since last upgrade, BiS for class
•Raiders are expected to listen to instruction and adapt on the fly, actively gear themselves outside of raid hours, show up to raid with proper consumables and push themselves to improve week by week.
•Maintain a positive attitude as well as a team first mentality.
•Come to raids highly motivated and give 110% on both bosses and trash, everything.
•Strive to improve each week, own and learn from your mistakes
•Communicate with the leadership. Criticism, praise, and ideas are welcome
-We are currently recruiting immediate raid spots for the following:
Holy Paladin
Enhance Shaman (low prio)
1 range dps
10 man gamers of any spec
-We will always consider exceptional players despite their class
-Tanks/healers/dps for 10 mans. If you’re a smaller guild looking for something a bit more serious, please reach out.
-Looking for fills and bench as well. Players who can’t commit to a regular raid schedule are totally fine!
If you are a strong player of any class or role we encourage you to apply if you feel like this is a good match for you. Reach out to myself if interested and I will be in touch