Do you enchant and gem everything?

So no wrong answer here, unless you’re doing that tippy top content the extra 20 haste isn’t changing whether you succeed or wipe. I used to check before pug raids way back in WotLK now I realize how little it matters.

Me personally I have always hemmed and enchanted, even tossing the budget versions for gear as I level or slowly upgrade my gear.

I know a lot of people say they don’t enchant until they have BIS because “why waste the gold,” which is kind of funny to me. I mean if you don’t wanna enchant don’t enchant, but for example ring enchants are like 50 silver each. It doesn’t matter so just say you don’t feel like it or forgot.

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Yea, I even call out people who are missing them


I enchant and gem nothing.

I’m an enchanter, btw lol


Generally I’m going to enchant any upgrade I get at level cap. As I’m leveling, no, but at cap I’ll at least get the silver tier versions unless it’s something I’m sure I’ll be using for a while. Same goes for gems, definitely slotting them.


This makes it soooo much funnier and better!


I think I’m a jewelcrafter too, not 100% sure.

I hardly ever touch professions. Especially now that they are complicated.


I limit certain things. If I feel an enchant is warranted, like for a weapon, but it’s a lower quality weapon (Explorer to Veteran), I’ll put a cheaper one on it. If it’s a higher quality weapon (BiS, Champion, and Hero), whether it’s BiS or not, I do a proper enchant, because I never know when I’ll change it.


Yes because I’m OCD and if it’s empty then I’m not 100%. Plus it’s guild raid rule. Want to raid be gemmed and chanted. If your not giving 100% why should others carry you?


ever since shadowlands where they make it real expensive to level up professions. nope.dragonflight. DOUBLE NOPE. barely even do it on my enchanter.


Once I have something I know I’ll be keeping for a little while, yes.

My paladin got a normal Ashkandur last night. I put a 2 star Sophic Devotion because I wasn’t going to waste my gold buying the 3 star when I’m hopefully replacing it with either the bullion Ashkandur or Fyraloth of it drops in Amirdrassil next week.

All depends on if my gear is something I’ll be keeping a while or not.


Indeed I do. Extra stats help! :smiley:

Even if it’s a cheap piece of armor I’ll put some kind of thing on it.


Usually only anything that improves base speed.

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Yes all the usual bis enchants. A routine that is as exciting as brushing my teeth.

Once I get my gear to a certain point, and it’s a character I play regularly, yes, I gem and enchant my gear. Even if I only do LFR on that character, I like to bring my best.

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I don’t care about it on my alts doing low keys and normal raiding.

Anything I’m maining, yeah, I kit it as much as I can. Might as well.

^Basically me.

Also me as a player I’m not too flash, so I need every bonus I can get.


I do, when I eventually remember them!

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Once you get to a certain level, the content is tuned around you doing that.


Depends on the item. If I know I’m going to get an upgrade soon, I won’t bother.

Otherwise, I try to stay fully geared, including chants and gems.

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I do when I can if I can. I almost feel embarrassed not to. Given I mostly play dps I have to do my best to set myself apart from my potential competitors when applying for groups.