Do you consider yourself Horde, Alliance or both?

…nuff said.

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Is it weird I always thought you just posted on an Alliance character but actually played Horde, I mean it doesn’t make me like you any less but legit I’m like omfg really. :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:


Alternate Timeline Azeroth. Lol


Very nice. I’d add ogres and Furbolg.


Both. I think I’ve quested under Alliance more than Horde at this point. No way around it really.

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Horde. I dabble with Alliance characters, I got a couple maxed characters, but my guild name over there makes it clear I’m still Horde. Doesn’t hurt that I have characters named like Fall of Stormwind.

That said, I don’t really hate the Alliance, but yeah, I’m Horde. Always have been.

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I’ve been alliance since i first started in 2005, with a few brief stints into horde when various friends were playing on the other side. I liked the idea of the horde as the “noble savage” faction, but between Garrosh and Sylvanas, it hadn’t felt that way until very recently so I never felt the faction pride. Cruelty for the sake of cruelty (even if imaginary) just ain’t my jam.

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I consider my character as just a Night Elf, I never think of her as a larger “faction” member. But blue is my preferred color over red :slight_smile:

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Yeah, this is also part of why I dip into both sides.


I can see where you would get that impression. The earthen thread where I mentioned horde dwarves for example. I tend to agree with blood elf players in the high elf threads as well; I come into those threads from the perspective of an alliance player who likes the concept of void infused elves as they were introduced in Legion and wants Blizz to emphasize the void aspect instead of watering it down. Races being unique is a good thing. If I wanted to play a high elf then I would play a blood elf as horde, but that’s not the case.

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Well as I said earlier it doesn’t make me like you any less or anything and I still consider you one of my friends on here so. :dracthyr_heart: :dracthyr_heart: :dracthyr_heart:


Started this game as Horde and went Alliance Mid Wrath. Have continuously played both Alliance and Horde toons at every expansion max level and patch to keep up with both sides.

I consider myself as whatever faction I am playing but absolutely am 100% against the faction war nonsense. Given the lore and stuff we’ve dealt with, a faction war literally stopped making any kind of sense when it was finally dealt with in MoP. Narratively, we’re dealing with such massive threats that have proven the need to work together and, objectively speaking, the Alliance would absolutely DECIMATE the Horde in an actual war anyway all but cements this in my mind. Instead of fighting for a flag in a gulch or some wood in a basin, I’d rather actually focus on alternate reality invasions, universal level threats, and even reality-upending and planes of existence threats.

It doesn’t matter to me which faction you are on. We’ve had some good conversations on the forums. I consider you one of my friends on here as well.

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I never understood this part of the game. I played Alliance and Horde at high levels. Who even cares.

Since Jan 2023, I would say both. I have a Night Elf DH and a Blood Elf DH that I play as 2 mains. Both are similar in M+ score as well as item level. However, I was 99% Alliance for most of my time spent playing.

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While I have alliance toons, most of my heavily played ones are Horde, I only have alliance for achievements and story.

However, if you were to ask WHICH Horde, I would have to say the Horde of Thrall, Cairne and Vol’jin and, possibly, cata Garrosh (Stonetalon quest line)

I play Alliance characters mostly but I have a lot of Horde ones, and I consider myself to play both. I like most of the Alliances races better typically. More than that though, I play Pandas, and Horde Pandas don’t feel right to me. Ideally the Pandas would be neutral, but if they have to be anywhere, Alliance makes more sense.

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I am predominately Horde but have a couple of Alliance.

I have been mostly Horde since Timeless Isle, but my balance druid is my active Alliance character. I love the NE too much to change her to a Horde race, anyhow I already have a Troll feral druid. My main is a BE hunter.

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Both. Both is Good