Do you consider yourself Horde, Alliance or both?

Death to the Horde!

Alliance for life, since 2004.

No one cares for the Petting Zoo Army.

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Physical, yes.

My mind bubble that consists of a superiority complex is still completely intact.

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I generally consider myself as an individual who merely holds a particular faction, peoples and cultures in a higher regard, along with such varying time to time depending what race & class I’m playing for RP purposes. :grin:

Personally, I’d like them to just make Void Elves & Blood Elves faction neutral. :man_shrugging:

  • Give some story about how masses of ‘High Elves’ were rescued by the Blood Elves which resulted in the majority just finally getting on board with having their name be Blood Elves.
  • Have said former-High elf titled masses sacrifice a lot of themselves to protecting the Sunwell from being corrupted (again), resulting in the Sin’dorei being thankful & unification of those dedicated to either faction - Making their city another unifying one to gather in dire times (like Dalaran in Legion).
  • Have the ‘Eye of Aman’thul’ put on the Sunwell as a cap to prevent it from corruption & empower it to heal Quel’Thalas and help unite other peoples of their kind who want to protect Quel’Thalas & call it their home once more – Allowing Void Elves, Fel-Elves and some of the scorned Dark Elves to return.

Vwalah! You have:

  • New customisations!
  • You removed Blood elf shadow-priests from being non-canon.
  • and Blizzard could potentially just bind the races into a single selection & have an NPC to switch out racials (Perhaps only being able to be done once per week).


Although the first character i made when i played wow was a paladin because of arthas. That character was deleted after lv6. The character after that was a shaman because of thrall and i have never played anything else since i picked up orc shaman.


Used to be more inclined to Horde but since Baine took over, I’m neither and serve only the Void.

Never really cared. I flip-flop each time I come back

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I don’t see myself as either. Never felt a sense of faction pride because I think they’re both very dumb


Absolutely. But this is also a common theme with Pandaren-players, they are fed up with the faction system.

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Alliance. Horde is not for me. If I log in a horde toon, I just want to log out and go play one of my alliance toons.

Both, but with a lean more towards Alliance.

Not sure if it’s the servers I play on or what, but randoms on the Alliance are by and large a lot friendlier than my fellow Horde players I run into when I’m on my Tauren. It’s anecdotal, I know, but that’s been my experience pretty consistently. This is about people on the same faction as me in both cases.

I haven’t really got any “Faction Pride” either way though. Factions are just kinda there for me and I’m not super attached to them conceptually.

I have a decal on my truck that is a blend of the two faction icons, though. I’m quite fond of it.


I decided to decline to take sides.



Alliance forever! Although my truest loyalties are to the Kaldorei. If the Night Elves ever split off and made their own faction with the Draenei and High Elves I would die happy

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I dislike the Alliance so much, from time to time I will roll an Alliance lowbie and get them killed. Then Log out of the character still in ghost form just so I can be extra certain there is one less Alliance member running around.

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If the Forsaken ended up on the Alliance somehow, I’d still play the Forsaken and still consider myself a Forsaken player. The Horde are just convenient allies.


I am Forsaken. :skull:


It depends what races are available on each side. So I play more Alliance than Horde. I like the lore of many races in the both sides but I like playing some races and I don’t like playing some other races in the both sides too. Liking the lore of a race =/= playing a race for me. Of course I like the lore of the races I play. Here what I play:


  • Human
  • Night Elf
  • Wildhammer
  • Draenei
  • Man’ari Eredar
  • Dark Iron Dwarf
  • Pandaren


  • Troll
  • Mag’har Orc
  • Zandalari Troll
  • Nightborne

But some new races could change this. I wait some races for a long time now and I would like to play some of them.


  • Broken
  • Mogu
  • Arakkoa
  • Jinyu
  • Vrykul


  • Forest Troll
  • Mok’Nathal
  • San’layn
  • Saberon

I play both Horde and Alliance so I can’t answer in terms of gameplay. That said, If I were suddenly transported into the WoW universe and had to choose (Must have transported to Vanilla), I would join the Horde.

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Horde since WC 2

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What Profien said.

I have characters on both sides but that’s for the heritage armor achievements. I don’t really play them that much.

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