Do you believe in the soul?

I so want to say something “not appropriate” about believing in the toothfairy but the forum version of soccer moms would disapprove.

I can’t believe we’ve made it almost 450 posts in the thread and no one has gotten out of hand. Good job fellow forumers.


bro your name is Adultwebsite
anything you say is not only appropriate, but appreciated

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I was actually holding back a lot.

I’m currently listening to every youtube artists version of Fast Car, because I’m totally enamored Tracy Chapman got a CMT award. :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:


I mean, C-SPAN is also what I’d consider an “Adultwebsite”. So, there’s definitely a spectrum.

Speaking of which, I nerded out years ago and played Fantasy Congress and learned a bunch. You got points for your “team” whenever they got a bill passed.


I can actually hold a civil discussion about religion. It’s rare I find others willing to follow suit. This is kind of nice for a change.


now why do you have to overcomplicate things for me?
i am your garden variety simpleton

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yeah this seems to be going ok :astonished:

That means we need to escalate things and fast. Can’t have everyone on the outside thinking we’re capable of civility and all. :stuck_out_tongue:

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The fault will all be ours, not Gods

Nevermind. We don’t have to do anything now.

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I think if they check out any other thread they’ll know better.

You realize adultwebsite is a reference to a site that needs a credit card or someone over 18 to financially approve. It doesn’t have to include anything “deviant”

prayer time is over and Vennz is back!

get ready to go in DEEP boys


Vennz Halen is back! We’re all Hot for Preacher!


It seems it’s fire and brimstone time again.


but can it if i ask nicely?