Do WoW players hate EverQuest?

Just curious, how do people on WoW feel about the game EverQuest? Do you consider the players of that game rivals or do the WoW and EverQuest communities just ignore each other.

I do remember coming across some old forum posts from 2005 about how EverQuest players were calling WoW a “kids game”, but that was a long time ago.

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I don’t like Sony but I have nothing against the game or its players.


I mean, there’s some history here. It’s important to remember that WoW was developed by a group of EQ players who wanted to make a game that was less hardcore and would be more accessible to casual players.

So yeah, in the early days, there was definitely the feel that WoW was a watered down MMO intended for casuals. I doubt many current WoW players were around for that, though.

I tried getting into WoW a bunch of times in Classic but it never stuck because it was so “on the rails” compared to EQ1 with a lot of hand-holding, and that didn’t appeal to me.


Honestly, I don’t think about Everquest. I never even played it.


I didn’t even know it still existed, let alone it still had an active community


I hate archaic design and poorly aged gameplay

I assume it has both of those, so I assume I hate it


pretty sure at this point i hate wow more than most games (at least the last few years of design choices)


Most WoW players if asked that would simply reply “Whats Everquest?”


Not only that, it still gets regular expansions! Trying to get it to run properly on a 4k monitor on the other hand…


I stopped when they finally killed mac support, personally. WoW’s still got me as it’s the only major MMO with decent cross-OS support, and even then it’s mac support is spotty.

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Other than right now, I can’t think of the last time I thought about EQ. I don’t think I have ever had any ill feelings towards the game. If that says anything.

I wouldn’t consider the players of EQ as a rival. They do their thing and I do my thing. I don’t even care if they speak ill of WoW. Everyone has their tastes and that’s what matters to me.


I don’t think most modern WoW players even know what Everquest is, nevermind have an opinion on either 1 or 2


EQ’s community is small and practically the forefathers of the modern MMORPG.
They’re dedicated.

We really shouldn’t forget that eventually this game is going to wind up like EQ - a history note, but still active with dedicated fans.


I dont hate it but its old now and it had mechanics I didn’t like.

I mean, maybe if Apple bothered to even pretend to care about opengl it wouldn’t be so bad. Jobs hated video games though, and this is the result.

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EQ players might hate WoW for having, in their view, destroyed the MMORPG genre, but I don’t think WoW players care about EQ, it’s more like total indifference.


Most of them are too new to MMO’s to know or care, honestly.


I started playing mmos because of EQ, back in the late 90’s.

I can never hate it.


Sony doesn’t own it anymore.


I have some good and some bad memories of Everquest.
WoW for me was all the good things from EQ without all the bad at the time. It was finally an MMO I felt I could make progress on my own if I wanted to.

Several other MMO’s I had played before always ended the same, guilds collapsed for various reasons leaving me stuck. Nothing worse than being unable to progress in a game because people got bored or loved drama or my work schedule changed.

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