Do we use slam?

I’ve been watching guides (this is my first warrior so I’m new) and all of them say to fill empty GCD’s with Whirlwind

None of them ever say to use slam

So do we use it? Seems kind of pointless to have if it’s just a filler that costs rage

You use slam as arms as filler and if u have rage to spend, since slam can make overpower reset

You dont use slam if u get the fevor of battle talent or if u’re playing as fury or prot


Ok thanks

I’m playing as fury, and it just seems like a waste of a button

To use Slam as an Arms Warrior? Almost never.

I set Slam as Alt+5 on my keyboard. In an entire week, I only get to use it a few times with some unusual Anima Power builds in Torghast, where I’m capping rage too much.

Ordinarily, rage is best used for Sudden Death (proc) and Mortal Strike. If capped, I can use Ignore Pain to spend rage. When fighting mobs, I can hoard rage, and then dump rage with Executes when the mob is below 35% health.

Pretty much what jujuba said.

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I’m pretty sure this is not the correct way to manage rage as arms…


This is correct. You can take it off your bars as Fury, because it costs rage, and you want to be spending all that rage on Rampage instead.

The “unpruning” returned a few buttons like that for various specs- abilities that basically have no or very very limited use for a spec, but they can access them for “flavor”

Oh I didn’t realize it was an unpruned ability

I thought it was part of fury’s rotation and I just didn’t know how to use it

Doesn’t this talent make the Execute Free & count as full rage anyhow?

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Don’t do what this guy said if your playing arms especially in single target. Your loosing out on tactician procs for overpower which feeds onslaught. Slam is your filler for when your over 50 rage have one stack or less of over power and Mortal strike is on cooldown. Execute replaces this in execute range.


Absolutely. What they suggest just isn’t the way to manage rage at all.

Arms - yes, Fury - no. Pretty simple really.

Doesn’t the sudden death proc make the execute cost no rage and you get the full damage for arms on top of letting it be used on a target regardless of their hp? So why are you pooling rage for a proc that makes an ability cost no rage? Sounds counterproductive.

Yeah once you get rampage, slam has no use for fury. Honestly I’m surprised that blizzard didn’t just make rampage replace slam when you learn it. Revenge does for Prot.

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I did lfr this week and took slam completely out of my rotation. Still did a little less than 4k dps overall.

I’m not entirely sure what so many of you are doing completely neglecting slam as arms, but you’re doing it wrong.

You should be using slam to avoid overcapping on rage, and you should be using it pretty regularly.

Looking at the top parse on guardian, which is the closest thing in the current tier to a patchwerk encounter, slam was used 51 times in comparison to 71 mortal strike and 82 overpower.

Granted, your rage gen will be less with worse gear and thus you’ll have less to dump, but either way you would be using it quite a bit. As was mentioned before, when over 50 rage or during warbreaker windows.

The warrior above claiming that he uses extra rage on ignore pain and not slam is either trolling or not doing any damage.

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