Do we understand the full benefits of Perception yet?

I threw Mining/Herbalism on my dracthytr alt in the hopes that it meant that I would get more Rare (blue-quality mats, e.g. Khazgorite ore). However, anytime the game log mentioned a Perception proc is was something like rock salts or lava beetles.

So does Perception just silently add to your chance to get an actual Rare mat and this does not appear in the game log? Because if the only benefit you get is some bonus cooking mats that doesn’t really seem worth it.

I note that while skinning I didn’t see any Perception procs at all with a maxed skinning knife.

Would be good to get some clarification around this as when crafting it’s always clear what benefit you receive from the secondary stats.

I see it all the time of my Herbalism/Mining character. If your perception is really low you aren’t going to notice it because your % chance is so low.

What mats are you getting from your Perception procs?

I had a Perception of about 10% including the dracthyr racial plus quality 5 draconium tools and accessories. I saw a reasonable number of procs but the “extra” materials didn’t seem to be blue quality.

Only the Ore from mining. I get the Finesse proc as well from Herbalism/Mining and it is more frequent.

Its a little strange but sometimes I get Khazgorite ore without a perception proc but sometimes it’s with a proc. Usually though it’s the rock salt.

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My dad has been spending the last week solid fishing - Perception procs on fishing too, sincere apologies for the potato screenshot but he’s never learned how to press the print screen button:


Oh nice, these phials of perception I’ve been getting from experiments will actually have a use!

I wonder if deftness or finesse also affect the bite time and multicatch?

Yeah, I’ve most (all?) of my Khazgorite ore has not come from a (logged) Perception proc. Maybe Perception was boosting the rate silently, but its hard to tell without doing a proper experiment.

i thought perception meant that you spotted more nodes an more rare nodes all around

It tells you what it means. Hover over it in your journal.

So it seems like what you get from Perception is skill based. Now that my base mining skill is nearly maxed out, I’m getting much better mats from Perception procs much more often (e.g. rousing elements & khazgorite ore).

Today I realized, perhaps incorrectly, that perception works like finesse but only applies when you get a rare item.

I.e 30% perception will mean when you get a rare material proc (like the lava bugs from random herbs/seeds/awakened elementals) 30% of those instances will generate extra (2x or 2-3 more? unclear tbh as I’ve odd numbers of mats from procs). I was a dummy and originally thought perception was a X% chance of finding something rare instead of modifying rare procs (which might be based on skill level but tbh, I have no idea).

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