Do we need new South Park episode?

What would be the episode’s story direction?

During midlife crisis, Randy starts playing classic WoW? Not realizing he enrolled in Hardcore Server, perma dies at lvl 57, and goes ballistic?

Uses his money from Tegridy Farms to sue Blizzard to ressurect his hardcore character? In the process learns that the Anima from Hardcore Character Deaths is being used to fuel Tolkien’s marijujuana farm?


If they do a new episode it would be to make fun of the Microsoft merger, and how they laid off all those employee’s lol



No. South Park needs a ff14 episode. :stuck_out_tongue:


Ugh, no. I’m getting pretty tired of South Park’s “hot takes”.

Both! i need moar SP contents

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Just remembered this vid


I would immediately buy the expansion containing the South Park episode.

Only to throw it away and burn it.

Sounds good to me.

I watched an older episode that was on the other day where Randy went nuts when Obama won the 08 election, got drunk and punched his boss in the face. I had tears laughing at that stupid video. Obama’s 11 should have been the name of it.

The other one was Cartman’s Dicknbaus restaurant business. Yeah that was what he and Kenny named the restaurant.

Funny story I had a buddy I played with since Cataclysm since like 2012/2013 and around BFA we took the leap to FF14 and he never came back.

We both still talk in discord but he just lost all respect for blizzard and the path they took wow and I can’t even blame him. I’m stuck here now adventuring solo now but in SoD since I agree retail is a disaster and I want nothing to do with that crap.

(I tried ff14 and idk man it’s not for me. I mainly enjoy pvp.) 2 many furry creatures and things that should be illegal for me to be allowed to see Anime overload.


Unfortunately WoW just isn’t relevant anymore, to the main gaming scene anyway.

The WoW episode was made in 2006, when Vanilla was Retail. TBC would launch later in January.

That’s about 18 years ago, lol.

South Park still makes episodes about gaming, as Matt and Trey are both gamers themselves.

  • They had a special about Xbox One vs. Ps4, back in 2013.

  • An episode mentioning Red Dead Redemption 2 (2018)

  • Another episode making fun of P2W “freemium” mobile gaming (2014), and that was way before Diablo Immortal lol.

  • 2014 also had an episode where they made fun of VR with the Occulus.

  • 2019 had an episode where the characters steal a stool sample to get a copy of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, lol.

They haven’t really had any episodes that revolved around video games since then, but I’m sure we’ll get more in due time.

They’ve had episodes about Warhammer, Magic the Gathering, TikTok, ChatGPT, and other things semi-relevant to today.

Probably a South Park Elden Ring episode, tbh, or maybe even Baldur’s Gate 3.

Those games are relevant to today, WoW isn’t really.

The folks that still play WoW are diehard fans at this point, especially after BfD and SL.

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I could totally see a mash up over Palworld and Pokemon lol.

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Lmao I can see South Park going extremely violent with this, and I live for it.


current blizz would never

they are too focused on disneyfying everything and removing bad voice lines and words from the game.

totally antithetical to south park

Sometimes I think we are in a simulated realty designed by an AI trained on South Park episodes. It’s alarming re-watching that show to find so many of it’s absurd, outlandish, and over the top premises are now just the way it is.