Do we need more Venruki threads?

I only found 5 in the past 7 days. Is that enough?




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He made one just for you

you have been blessed


I’m indifferent to the situation but people who claim to can’t stand him sure can’t seem to stop talking about him.

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Did you count your own post as one of the five or no?

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I think he’s worth parroting for a while until Blizzard makes some changes.


No, mine would be #6.

I’m going to make 3 more Venruki threads, just for you.

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Remember when he made a thread that garnered more support than any other thread on the arena forums about RNG gearing, and the need for vendors… and it still took them 2 expansions to actually follow through on that? Good times.


We somehow took the one bad aspect of wod gearing and made it like the core thing for several years.

That was wild.


Yep, and everyone HATED it, and they just ignored us. Then when they were giving PvPers the excuse that it was too complicated for new people to figure out having gear on vendors… They added a PvE gear vendor partway through BFA, directly spitting on us. Good ol’ Blizzard and their willingness to antagonize their own playerbase.

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i made a video on my youtube channel once on why blizzard removed pvp vendors. never seen so much hate from one video lol

  • soyface *
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here is your reward for best random answer of the year

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Everybody thinks Venruki’s views are cooked until he tells you what you want to hear.

Next thing you know, you’re drinking soy milk and eating a vegan hotdog wondering what the hell happened to your life.
