Do we know the lifespan of each race?


Do we know? I know elves are usually long lived, but what about the other races like forsaken, or pandaren, Tauren, Draenei etc.

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This is about all we have:


I think Draenei are immortal. Velen is at least 25,000 years old IIRC.


Even if they’re not confirmed to be, they’re effectively immortal as far as anyone in-game is concerned and as far as it matters as players (even roleplayers).

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The universe won’t let me die, no matter how hard I try.


You sound like a Forsaken DK.

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I am Quenya MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod


Afaik most races live generally as long as your average human with notable exceptions such as elves who live a heck of a long time but have varied levels of how long. I wanna say the oldest blood elves were in the range of a couple thousand years old, the other elves have immortality from fonts of magic or recently lost those, draenei seem to be effectively immortal, if youre magic your life seems to be extended though it depends how magic you are. Antonidas i believe was around 250 when he died, whereas aegwynn was 700+ due to guardian shenanigans and i believe is still alive.

Lol so incomplete

Yeah, they all live until they die.

That’s their life span.

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I honestly didn’t think I would live 100 years of my life span considering all the junk we pandaren eat.


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" :notes: :notes: Live to win, 'till you die, 'till the light dies in your eyes
Live to win, take it all, just keep fighting till you fall
Day by day, kickin’ all the way, I’m not cavin’ in
Let another round begin, live to win
Live to win
Live to win
Yeah, live, yeah, win :notes: :notes: :guitar:"

Lifespan isn’t addressed very concretely for most races. Elves of all types generally appear to live for a very long time, even when not made immortal by various forms of outside magic (Sunwell, Nozdormu’s blessing). Draenei appear to live for a very long time, with Velen being over 25,000 and even some “normal” Draenei being at least over 13,000 because they remember Argus before the Legion took it.

Most other playable races aren’t dealt with so much. Humans seem relatively close to real-life humans, and Orcs seem comparable to Humans, as we’ve seen many of their lore characters and heroes age in real time.

Forsaken don’t have a "life"span. They exist until their body disintegrates or the magic holding their consciousness inside it fails.

I think this is appropriate.

I am Bravik McPhail of the clan that doesn’t McPhail. There can be only one, and I am coming for you, Highlander…


Orc: 80-100 years
Human: Until an Orc decides they should no longer live
Night Elf: Until an Orc decides they should no longer live
Draenai: Until an Orc decides they should no longer live
Gnome: Until an Orc decides they should no longer live
Dwarf: Until an Orc decides they should no longer live and then about 3 months after that
Worgen: Until an Orc decides they should no longer live

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I though orcs had a canonically shorter lifespan than that? I could easily be wrong.

Your post did warrant a sensible chuckle, though.

Aegwynn is dead …unless blizz retcons that as well.

afaik she died doing something for med’an who is dubiously canon so alot of that kinda stuff is left in the air. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was dead as it was clear after she gave up her guardian powers she was rapidly aging only that i’m not sure if we can take the med’an version of events as canon due to how blizz somewhat refuses to acknowledge med’an as canon.

Yeah it seems they kind of left that hanging when the made their changes to Chronicles.

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