Do Transformation Toys really need the excessive cooldown?

Any transformation toy that goes away on death or in combat makes the toy itself feel cheap and meaningless. Regardless if the transformation has “actions” through combat, sometimes a player just wants to look like something silly and fun for a while. Especially if this is for Roleplay purposes.

I really think all toy cooldowns need a look over by the devs to either buff or remove the CD entirely. It’s different if a CD’s Toy impedes other players somehow, but if it’s a personal toy, I don’t see how it’s a major issue.


What would the best end system be, if it never had to be changed again?

Every toy has a 5 minute cooldown? 1 minute?

Last for a hour? Two? Five?

What would the ideal system be?

I have read there could be server limitations for certain toys used en masse by a group of players on a shard.
Size increasing toys, maybe.

Annoying sound effect toys. Should all toys fall under the same category or overall system?

What do you all want to see happen?

There are several ideal systems that have already been suggested in this thread such as upkeep with a cooldown timer that lasts as long as the upkeep if not shorter. We’ve mentioned shorter cooldown with longer upkeep because a lot of toys remove their effects upon death, if they didn’t then we wouldn’t request it.

Toys like Shadescale which have 2 hours long upkeep with I believe a 5 hour cooldown only change the sky for the player who uses it, but upon death this toy is wiped out.

Size increasing toys such as the anima cell already have a 5 minute upkeep on the size buff. But if server limitations were an issue then only people in your party would be able to use the Anima Cell and there would be a limit as to how many of the cells can be present in the same area. As it stands though anyone can click a spawned anima cell and multiple can be up at a time. There is also already a limitation to this growth as you are unable to move. I do not think toys that grow your character to extreme measures should have a low reuse timer though but I don’t think it’ should be anywhere too long.

Toys (this is ironic I know) have been implemented to remove surrounding sounds caused by players, including used toys. However there are very few toys that cause annoying sounds to players outside their party. The Darkmoon whistle is about the only thing I can think of that would cause a noise to play to those around (feel free to correct me if I’m wrong as I have a ton of toys collected but haven’t really used 3/4ths of them).

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Transformation toys (on the user, mind) that do nothing but change their model have no business having such a long cooldown, and it’s especially telling with ones that are a requirement for achievements, such as the Zaralek one. They’re already restricted from usage in rated PvP environments, which is good - so why these (honestly arbitrary) “5 min duration, 1 hour cooldown” decisions?


I’d also like to follow up with another suggestion I’ve seen among the masses. Cooldowns of certain toys resetting upon death. This is mainly for the toys such as Shadescale and others that only provide an effect for the player themselves as well as certain transformation or aura adding toys.

One toy in particular though; that is a perfect example of a cosmetic toy in the likeness of what we are requesting is the Heartsbane Grimore ( This toy has zero cooldown and applies an aura effect that can be easily reapplied before it falls off.

While another toy in a similar essence to the Heartsbane Grimore that also applies an aura has a 10 minute upkeep with a 15 minute cooldown: The Blazing Shadowflame Cinder ( While it’s not a terrible cooldown the fact it’s effect of applying an aura is very similar to the Heartsbane Grimore and was not given the same treatment is a little off putting.


Remember the excuse they used why Druids couldn’t use costumes and shapeshift? “People won’t know what kind of druid you are otherwise”

They eventually caved but I am almost sure the excuse for it is roughly the same.

I agree.

I wish that toys would either have matching CD’s to Use… but that toys should also reset their CD’s upon death if the effect does not persist beyond it.

I use Shadescale everytime I log in, mostly because I like having it dusk. I play on an 85" tv screen I know… little excessive but I like it And some of these places in the world are just ungodly bright. Having Shadescale on makes playing so much more nicer. I have never understood why it has such a long CD, or why its effect is removed upon death. Shadescale also makes it so I don’t have to be a literal representation of the “My Eyes” meme lol. I wish it would work everywhere, but alas… it does not.

Why do toys that purely only affect the singular player have such long CD’s? Why are they removed upon death? Why have these simple questions gone unanswered for our entire tenure as community council members?


I remember the unnecessary nerf to Imp in a Ball a few years after I got it. This was ages ago when the only way you could get it was being lucky at pulling it from a TCG pack or buying it off ebay. It was still a scarce enough item that not everyone had it, yet they still nerfed this fun “ask a question and shake the ball” toy by removing it’s lines from /say and instead putting them only in party, you can’t even see it’s answers in a raid group unless you’re in the sub party of the user that uses the toy.

Yet now a days they have NPC’s practically shout their lines in every city. The new random NPC walk ups to the TP with NPC dialogue has the NPC’s dialogue stretch with visibility for a very far distance. You can be halfway between the gates of Orgrimmar and the TP and you can still see the NPC’s talk in /say. In Valdrakken you can see the bankers emotes no matter where you are in the main square around the fountain.

Heck even the sunflower battle pet has less restrictions than the poor Imp in a Ball has received. And now we have the Little Wrathion pet that says one of his many judgey yet memorable lines at you from time to time and everyone around you can see what he says when he says it.

As a final statement for the terrible treatment this poor Imp has received: FREE THE SPEECH OF THE IMP IN A BALL!