Do their Right Hand knows what their Left Hand is planning/doing for M+ Affixes?

An extract from this official post.

Before we dive into the specifics of the new affixes, we would like to outline our goals and the purpose these affixes serve. Our overarching goal is to minimize the mechanical overlap between affixes and dungeon trash design in the current +4 affix bucket. We aim to achieve this through a more passive approach, focusing on the following objectives:

  • Shift the source of challenge to the dungeon itself by simplifying affix design and emphasizing creature abilities.
  • Reduce visual noise, nameplate clutter, and the cognitive load on players during trash combat.
  • Allow for varied and context-specific gameplay decisions depending on the dungeon they are applied to.

And here’s the new affix in action!

Now look again at the underlined points from the above post and say again the Right Hand knows what the Left Hand is doing? :thinking:

That looks like nameplate clutter, but then again I don’t do mythic+ so what do I know. For all I know this might very well be what mythic+ players want, so more power to them.

So, Psychic Scream once and they’re all gone?

It’s beta. Everything is subject to change.