Do the class talents feel particularly awkward for Enhance to anyone else?

Not talking about balance or anything of the sort, just the “feel” of the talents.

Like, they add SO MANY buttons for new abilities and spells, but so many of them feel pointless or just not necessary for enhance. Like there’s all these talents associated with ways to reset cooldowns and positions of totems, but outside of wind rush totem or gimmick boss fights how often are you really needing to blow a cool down for enhancement?

Then there’s all the healing talents, which CAN be useful, but if you’re in a position where you buffing your self healing via talents is the difference maker then I feel like you’d have bigger problems. Maybe for PvP they’re good?

What am I missing?

Enhancement has a long history of possessing this deep pool of abilities, both rotational and utility. Because of this, Enhancement is usually seen as intimidating to newer players. With enough practice, what initially feels awkward does eventually feel smooth. Most experienced Enhancement players will probably agree that once you’re familiar with things, it’s one of the most satisfying specs in the game. Focus on your rotation first and then try to weave in utility. You won’t regret learning this spec.

I understand what you’re saying, but that’s not what I’m talking about. Im referring to the general class talents not meshing with enhancement. They’re the same for elemental and resto, and the talents can fit in nicely with how they play. But not for enhance, IMO. I have plenty of experience with enhancement.