can you imagine if ppl would try to force male tauren to produce milk man oh man oh man
…going for the brain bleach now.
They’re mammals, the question answers itself.
Is… is that a donut, sir Grumbles?? I do hope this thread hasn’t put you off of cookies. Just don’t think about dunking them in anything, especially in light of this topic. Just think about fresh, soft, oven warmed coookies.
Dang it, now I’m all hungry
I wouldn’t try to milk the male ones though endless you want to get waffle stomped
No forcing people, things need to be consensual uwu
Hasn’t this thread been made several times already…?
I saw a Tauren once named Milkme
Can I have his btag?
then i guess we could say, his milkshake is better than mine
I have nipples Greg. Can you milk me?
eyetwitches and grabs double huge swords Okay…this thread has gone to parts not meant to be…time for a culling…
A fox is the last person who gets to say that knowing your rep : P
You’re one to talk panda. Also my rep is what I make it to be.
Taurens have breast, as all playable Warcraft races do. Meaning all the females of each race produce milk when pregnant.
/shifts uncomfortably
As a general rule. Mammals produce milk.
This includes Humans, Night Elves, Orcs, Blood Elves, Trolls, Worgen, Pandaren, Draenei, Gnomes, Dwarves, etc etc…
is there something wrong good sir
(sneaks Som a cookie)
This discussion was a little off in regards to leaving cookies but no, I am not off cookies at all.
may i have a cookie?