Do something to fix arena points SOON

There is no way you got 2 pieces of gear in 1 week.

Also, I been doing Arenas for 3 weeks now and tomorrow I will have a whopping 750 points. At the rate I am gaining arena points I can get 1 piece in another 5 weeks.

Honor gear, but yeah. Bought my gloves in Wednesday and shoulders in Friday last week. I’m sitting on almost 60 WSG, and a few of each AB and AV marks and 8.7k honor right now.

I literally do not understand how people are having this problem

I cant fathom being STUCK at 1200

From what i observed this week with a fresh 3s team, it seems like you cant even lose raiting until you have played 50 games

You literally get like 90 points for a win until like 1500

Are you guys literally losing every game?

Like… Literally.

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32 games played this week, sitting at 1154 rating.

Every time we get above 1200, we get some team that just stomps us either because they have all pvp gear or their comp just counters ours.

And you are wrong, you do and can lose arena points once you are at 1200.

I would even go as far to say its all gear based and no skill. There are players that make so many mistakes, like mages poly, and his partner does dmg to knock me out of poly, yet, I perfectly time fears to hit both enemies, and we still lose.

I think you meant this figuratively.


I think I did that to my mage lartner last week. :man_facepalming:

Well this week i played in a fresh 3s team

We got to 1888 before we ever lost raiting

Every single loss we lost 0 raiting (which i noticed and found odd) until we got to 50 games played, on the 50th game we happened to lose and our raiting went down by like 6 and since then the raiting has been bouncing up and down as normal

It literally felt like it was free boosting us to 2k

Idk my anecdotal experience with arenas in tbcc makes the scenario of being stuck at 1200 seem almost impossible without throwing games

Stop using that word, you look dumb.

This is because of your hidden mmr, anyone who played very early on in the season were able to secure high mmr very quickly because they climbed with other players. However people coming in later, or people who messed around initially without tryharding, get locked into lower mmr ratings and have to climb through them through lots and lots of grinding. you can take otherplayers with better win rates but lower personal mmr and the points they get are significantly different because the mmr system is designed to move you to where it thinks you should be. your personal mmr, and once that’s locked in its extremely difficult to move.

But all that is actually besides the point of this post.

The big issue is the points awarded every week are designed around 1500 being the average player. IE 50% of people should be above it.

That is not the case. Top 35% is between 1400-1500s right now. Example: top 35% in 2s US is 1414 rating. Thats 247 points in a week for top 35%

Top 10% is 1681, thats ~471 points.

Top 3% is 1943 thats ~740 points

This is a HUGE gear descrepency forming for pvpers. Anyone who didnt get high mmr quick is massively falling behind. This is a huge snowball effect on gear. And this is all because the points awarded are designed to have 50% at 1500 for its bell curve, but this is not the case. Top 3% shoild be sitting 2200+ (~965pts) and top 10 around 1900-2100(~800pts) with 35 around 1700-1800(519pts). Othereise the cost of items and the gear advantage is being significantly screwed for the original design, top 10,top 20 % players are being split by massive gear walls and if your not the absolute top you will NEVER catch up in the current system on gear which will make it even harder to push into those numbers.

My suggestion is to make points dependent on your % for the week adjusted to the old bell curve or to adjust everyone’s ratings to the old bell curve (ie if your 50% at 1100 move them to 1500 and if your 35% move them to where 35% should have been.


I literally will not

Every sub 1500 player says the same thing. Every excuse in the book to explain why they can’t conquer their R1 dreams. The main reason you’re losing is because you and or your partner are missing a few (or many) key aspects of how to play your comp. There are tons of people playing comps on stream at 2k or higher with little to no resilience gear.

Most of the horde are sitting in the same queues and have little to no resilience. This idea that the few no lifers that have full pvp gear are keeping you locked at 1200 is hilarious.

Yeah, I watch many of them, and since the opening of week one arenas they all had honor gear, at least a few pieces, so tell me another one.

About the only class that can get away with little resilience gear in Arenas is Rouges.

Your comment just goes to show how little you know about Arenas.

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