I thought i had read that Resto and Elemental would be swapping to prefer Mastery at some point and i cant find where i read that.
I had been largely pvp healing on this guy and i was stacking Crit. Can someone confirm if i should swap to Mastery? Also, im playing with the idea of going to Elemental if i can fet a feel for playing goalie in Arena. Does Elemental also want mastery?
Asking on Feb. 7, 2025
In PvE, resto is crit/verse with enough haste to feel comfortable with your cast time. Pvp is it’s own beast though. Crit has huge pve value due to mana then on it. In pvp, that doesn’t help much. But I’m not sure mastery would be right either, it would more depend what you’ve seeing issues with. Mana? Get crit. Defense? Verse. Getting your spells cast in time? Hate. Mastery’s value would be saving those near death, although you still need enough haste there to get the cast off in time.
From what I’ve seen it’s mastery for both. Take a peek at the pvp leaderboards to get an idea what stats Ele/resto is running.
I think you’ll find both are heavy mastery.