Do pl; really not want cata? I dont egt it

If players wish to move on with their characters and play Cata, that’s totally cool and they should have that available to them.

The real Classic playerbase should have TBC Era and WotLK Era servers with their original character copies available for those players to play.

Classic was supposed to be a love letter to the players, to play the game as it was then.

Simple as that. Not difficult. Nothing complicated.


You are trolling the forums.

Doesn’t even make sense

Where is the data? You just say that without anything behind it. It is the same as abomb. You personally don’t like it which is fine but stop spiting those lies.

No, that started in TBC already. TC literally started in TBC because people asked for private servers back then. It got more popular over time.

Wrong again. People played vanilla private servers back then. They were just not good.

How does that even make sense?
Classic ended when TBC got launched. Just check in Wrath Classic - nobody cares about the old zones. Well - shocker - expansions devalue old zones.

Not sure about that yet

Played it, fairly enjoyed it. Wasn’t the best but miles ahead over Wrath.

Way more, forum troll… Way more. But keep telling you that. Echo chamber is great

Already did. Half of Wrath is dull and caused the numbers to dwindle.

World of Warcraft will always be alive with Retail.

Retail exists. I am not sure what this nonsense is

Designed and created by Blizzard. In fact, most OG devs were still there during all of Cata. You Classic andies always praise your most loved Ghostcrawler which worked at Blizzard up to MoP.

Wishful thinking of you or so. I don’t even know what to say here. You hate towards Cata is insane.


I was on edge about Cata, but definitely looking forward to it. First of all it’s more challenging and I don’t have to rely on 24 other players fighting over loot and guilds funneling people. Now I can form my own 10m group and it makes it much much much easier and less people you have to worry about botching mechanics

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They’re like maybe 10 people at max spam post asking for Cata here… out of the thousands of posters here… it really isnt wanted as much as you try to make it seem.

No. ZERO people asked for Classic servers back when only TBC existed. All you had to do to not play TBC and still play Classic? Don’t buy TBC and there is your Classic world right there. Don’t start lying and saying “Oh but so many wanted to do the Scarab Lord event again or grind to R14 again”…many servers never even opened the Scarab gate during original Vanilla. And many servers didn’t have a single R14 on them. Some had to have their gates opened by Blizzard.

No one asked for private servers.

You go to them. You don’t ask for them. Show me one post of someone asking for a private server.

I was not talking about playing on a private server in that statement… I was stating that if you did not wish to play Wrath or to play TBC, then back in the day, you had the option to not but those two expacs and then you would not be playing in either one of them…that is not a private server I was talking about. I’m talking about… simply not upgrading your account so that way you can keep playing at the level that you want to play at.

And yea, you calling me wrong back to back and then trying to refute me by talking about private servers… I dont play on them. You clearly do as you think that is what I was talking about more than once in this thread and you keep brining them up.

So I kinda quit reading after that… go back to your private server then. I’m sure it’s good.

From what I hear, the private servers are more true to the actual version than the Classics are. I kinda wish I was playing on one tbh with you and if Cata launches and Wrath gets deleted, then I probably will be. I already quit retail… 47 on my friends list did as well. My guild… 4 out of 700+ members have logged in this expac.


This actually was an annoying issue last year for the halloween event. Half the time we couldn’t see each other at the summoning stone because one of us were in the Battle for Undercity phase, and the other wasn’t. We’d have to run out to the games of UC and talk to Zidormi to swap phases.

So no, you could not interact with players in different phases in WotLK, and its part of why they added emblems as rewards for questing in classic. They wanted everyone to finish all quests to be in the same phase.

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Cata is too hard for the Wrath parser and to retail for the Classic Andy. It’s the gigachad expansion


Yes and those 1000 post not wanting Cata are the 10 same people. Its the forums. What do you expect. Abomb has over 2000 posts hating on Cata alone. The people that enjoy Cata or the game will just not say anything most of the time. I will say something because we have trolls like you and abomb that spit lies. It is annoying.

You are straight up wrong. Same with Cata. You have simply now idea what you are talking yet you try to be right.
Private servers started popping just right at the start of TBC. The main issue was that they were terrible, plagued with lags and bugs. It took them many years to get it to somewhat playable. I remember friends of mine quitting when Naxxramas got released and it was a joke. They went to a Vanilla pserver and never came back.

TBC is fundamentally different to Classic. Now you have to be trolling

Game still got changed :slight_smile: Class balancing, more talents, nerfed 1-60, stats changes. The list goes on. Wrath literally removed a Vanilla raid. lol

That is not why pservers existed. Each expansion changed the game and there is no way to go back.

The game still changed… Cata was not the first expansion to redesign the game.

What is this nonsense? You are out of arguments. It sad to see what people we have here.
You start with the argument that Cata was the expansion that started the Classic “request”. What was the “Classic community” before official Classic came out? It was pserver andies mostly, nothing less. And those have asked for Vanilla since TBC and that’s what I told you and you simply ignored it which was in fact the only moment I brought that topic up. I don’t play pservers myself but I can put together logical connections


Retail feels nothing like cata. Trust me, i wish it did. Retail hasnt even felt like WoW since Legion launched. It feels like Disney Adventure Guild Wars 3 edition since Legion

Cata feels like Wotlk+ to me in the way the classes feel and play. The overall feel of the classes still feels Classic, except better hp to damage ratio. The world changed and thats the only thing, ill give you, makes it feel less like classic. But still absolutely nothing like retail thank god.

PvP in cata is at this game’s peak. It feels like a better and more complete version of wotlk, and way less spongy or homogenized as MoP. Retail pvp feels like a spammy arcade game, its horrible. You really cannot compare anything post-legion to anything pre-legion IMO.

Trust me, i adore classic vanilla, but cata was the only GREAT expansion and the one thing that will pull me away from classic era.


Unfortunately, they went off the rails with this version of wrath tho…lol

If someone doesn’t want to play Cata, then that’s their choice. I don’t understand why people have to get mad at someone who doesn’t want to play Cata because they don’t like the direction the game went in at that time. Cata is when WoW began to saw it’s first real decline in players so it’s a no brainer that some people will be leaving when Cata comes out.


That’s a wild statement lmfao

I’m looking forward to a potential Cataclysm Classic release. I remember being pretty jaded towards it when it first released and now that I am older I want to give it a retry to see if my feelings have changed on it.

Yeah TBC Era servers would have done just as well as Era servers.

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The only thing worse than Cata is your spelling and grammar.

As someone who has sucked the marrow out of retail. Just no.

TBC and WotLK set the path. Cata is a TON closer to WotLK than anything retail has been since MoP


Retail feels like Legion. Even MoP feels more like Wotlk than it does like retail. Legion changed this game, deeply and permanently.


Are you joking? Mana becomes basically non-existent, and for Hunter it becomes entirely non-existent for a way worse system that they still haven’t figured out in retail. Paladins start using combo points from Rogues because they ran out of ideas.

The talent system becomes so gutted that you can’t even make fun or interesting builds if you wanted to, you’re forced to go 31 points in a spec before you can even start playing in the other specs. They add mastery as a stat, which is either extremely garbage for your class, or extremely broken. Threat gets basically removed as a mechanic entirely.

Cataclysm doesn’t feel like Classic at all, and this is coming from someone that doesn’t really care either way about Cata.


Dude, hard disagree. How long has it been since you played Cata? I play it every day.

Holy power is the best thing that ever happened to Paladins. It doesnt feel quite right in Dragonflight in its nerfed form, but in Cata its silky and beautiful. And Hunter? They are peaked in cata, its the best version of Hunter ever made, and way wayyyy better than the retail version.

Cata feels nothing like retail, not even close.


Legion introduced a lot but honestly MoP to me defined the largest change and that was borrowed power. Mop introduced the legendary cloak and every expansion beyond that seemed to take that idea and evolve it.

Imo legion did this the best and everything that came after was worse.


Just depends on how you see it. Yes, MoP did major changes but the “template” of what Retail is using with all the features such as m+, world quests and mythic raiding come from Legion. Not saying that it is bad, just that Retail is very closely tight to Legion.