Do people who play tank spec actually have fun?

Now that’s a cozy time. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

cozy time when I grip the healers to spend the whole BG with me in the water or in spawn together

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Like when Arthas purged Stratholme.


The ship


Not a MW. :sunglasses:

Blood ruins Mistweavers day probably more than any other spec in the game.

How? Between all the CC, Rolls (which boosts speed), Tiger’s Lust, and Port how is it not possible to get away from a BDK?

Grip prevents you from rolling for 8 seconds with Walking Dead, and you have 2 charges of grip on a 15 second cooldown.

Alright… so you press a different button.

(2 grips is less than what a MW has in their toolkit.)

I’m just saying, as a MW main, I’ve never had a problem getting away from BDKs. The whole “I’m going to keep you here all game” thing just doesn’t work very well against a mobile Healer.

Blood doesn’t trash any healer as much as it does casted Mistweaver, although in the context of taking people swimming Priests are definitely the preferred. :dracthyr_love_animated: Glub glub.


Maybe I’ve just played into a lot of bad BDKs who don’t rotate CDs properly. That’s always possible. I’m just sayin’ I’ve never seen it work.

Priests on the other hand… next to no CC, and very little mobility.

if you’ve queued into a blood dk there’s a 99.9% chance they’re bad yea


It’s definitely an uncommon spec for a reason, and I don’t think most people know about the honor talent. The debuff it applies is similar to the stacked flag carrier one where your movement is limited and roll as well as flying serpent kick being effectively disabled.

A lot of monks just sit there for a second and think they’re disconnecting.


Is the debuff affected by Tiger’s Lust?

I think it’ll cause Tiger’s Lust to remove any roots affected you but won’t clear the debuff itself nor allow you to increase your movement speed above 100%.

Hmm. Tiger’s Lust reads that it removes both roots and snares (slow-type effects), though. The Walking Dead debuff might be treated as a snare…

I’d have to test it to be sure.

Not me. I go all Kermit the frog on a type-writer - Sweep, Para, Juke, Song/RoP, Lust, Roll 2x, Port (if it’s an option)… whatever I gotta do to slip away. It’s sort of like being swapped to in an Arena. MW life.

They do, their fun is ruining everyone elses experience. Specially the prot paladins.

i will make the journey for you brotha


It’s okay, we eventually get a ret or mage in our lobby and suffer more. :dracthyr_love_animated:

I’ve healed a few guardian druids that have actually pumped and I didn’t mind playing with them. I think it’s because of their current tier set