and no aug is not a tank spec.
Thankfully tanks fell off this xpan but usually they allow cheesy win conditions and give bad players free rating and a sense of progression.
Watched some brew mast last night on stream. Dude hit 310k tiger palm. Pretty gross
I love playing tank specs. I also root for the asteroids and aliens in disaster movies.
Augvoker looks like my next tank project.
Play aug ele or aug affy with me
love playing tank.
its so much interactive then DPS
Who would ever do that?
The real question is “do people who play healer spec actually have fun”?
idk but i can tell you ive capped 2s w/ prot palas from lfg on more than one occasion and it’s filthy fun
edit: to note that ive q’d into it enough that i feel no guilt about this
Who plays a spec they don’t have fun with ?
warlocks, enh sham, male draenei
yes. I enjoyed playing the tank specs when I did.
brew, veng, blood. All fun imo.
What exactly is causing Tiger Palm to hit so hard now, outside of just the Face Palm talent? Don’t recall brew doing substantial single target damage last time it was fotm, and the tier doesn’t interact with it.
From what the dude on stream said *whenever u black out kick increases tiger by 50% . Everytime u dodge it increases it further by like 100% of something. Then something to do with 50 50 chance to do 200% on that. etc etc. I dont know talent names.
@robbo come explain the spec pls
whos stream?
i cant explain the dark arts in front of everyone.
if anyone wants to know the way of the brew they must meet me upon the wandering isle and meditate
and yes i enjoy playing brew. i just q’d some 3s last night and pushed like 90 pointos.
brew is genuinely a fun and rewarding spec. and not only that, its not even a good spec. brew is like on frost dk levels of bad, but i push through because of how fun it is to play
The type of person that enjoys making everyone else miserable is the type of person that enjoys playing tanks in pvp
u wouldn’t get it kid
Usually there’s at least one dps driving both healers up the wall harder than I ever could.