Do people still watch TV?

You’re not a beautiful and unique snowflake because you “don’t watch TV.” :snowflake::no_entry_sign:
You actually watch TV; Netflix, Prime, Disney+, etc. They’re all TV, on demand TV. :tv::ok_hand:

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Me too. Netflix, Pluto, YouTube, spotify (podcasts). Podcasts for any subject you could want. I will melt face in battlegrounds while listening to “this American life.” Nothing like a little NPR to get your gaming juices flowing.

Yeah there are people that watch it. Not me. Well, mostly. I have two shows that I will watch … The Flash on CW and Better Call Saul on AMC. But, I don’t know if “watching” BCS is actually a thing that I will continue. Can’t remember when the last episodes aired, not expecting any new ones anytime soon.

TV is not dying, it’s changing.

People want ON DEMAND content so they can watch it when, where and how they want. Scheduled content (i.e. Mom cookies recipe on Monday night at 10:30 P.M.) is out of fashion and distributors that don’t adapt will simply die.

This VOD trend exclude services such as news network who run new 24/7, but they have another problem: they need to compete against Social Medias and the Internet who push the news (fake or not) in our phone.

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i use it for background noise or when i am extremely bored.

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I can’t even recall the last time I listened to the radio. I watch tv shows all the time though.

We don’t have cable actually. If we want to watch something we pick a DVD, netflix or something from Disney plus.

Wait ,are we talking cable here?Because i do not have cable but I watch many shows on Netflix,hulu etc… Still television,right? :thinking:

I watch the TV when I’m waiting in line at JB-HIFI, does that count?

TV is too expensive in my county. Only can get station by cable and basic for just 12 channels is $72 here.

Does watching Netflix or Hulu count as TV?

We haven’t had cable or even an antenna in about 10 years.

Must be Canada. Six of them must be in French.

I think maybe you have just never found which channels interest you. I never would have thought that I’d care about any kind of food or cooking shows, but I spend a lot of my waking hours watching Diners, Drive-in, & Dives on Food Network. Maybe there’s something on cable that would interest you, but whatever.