Do people still want to play WoW but quit?

Here is my problem, I really like Warcraft or at least I used to.

I find myself getting back on every now and then - I renew my sub, I log on then I might play for a day or two then quit.
Then I think about it a bit, log back on, stare at the world and open up my map then alt F4 our
The same thing happens again, I’ll jump on an alt account, level it up for about 10 minutes then think about it’s future then quit
Then I delete WoW from my hard drive because my mates want me to try something new with them

Then I have my sub active for a bit longer, check the WoW forums every day and keep up to date on the news but still don’t play

The thing is you can tell me I’m just burned out but I log out to play damn RuneScape again and keep doing what I was doing on that because I’m enjoying myself, however I’m still listening to videos about WoW on YouTube wondering why it feels so wrong

Anyone else feeling this way? Surely I can’t be the only one


I get like that. If quitting suits you, by all means do it. However, that just means I need a break from the game.

The worst thing is I’d stick around for way longer if they’d just readd god damn battle ground vendors

Theres a reason people keep coming back for a wee bit then leave, they love the game its attached to their hearts, just currently the way things have been going isn’t too attracting for long periods of time.

aka I love grinds but dear lawd gimi a tabard so I can mindlessly grind monsters for rep


Amen to that

They’d keep me around for a lot longer if they added vendors back to battleground

They could keep me subbed after that because I’d usually end up having to do pve content to get some whacky op pve trinket

This. 8.2 is so boring for me. I know I need to do my dailies, but can’t bring myself to log in.


You’re not alone. I like the Warcraft franchise, and WoW in general. But this iteration is just not fun to me. I cancelled my sub renewal, and just stick with whatever game I have fun with. Because I’m just not having fun with BfA WoW. Things will not change before 9.0 at the earliest. So I may check back then, maybe.

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I do the same thing OP. I just hate the direction the game took the last 2 expansions. Everyone praised Legion, but I feel the game felt Diablofied then too. The doesn’t feel like an immersive RPG anymore to me. It feels like a looter shooter now with a ton of mandatory chores piled on.

People rag on the older versions of the game, but I feel like the older versions of the game had way less mandatory chores and had more freedom to progress our characters.

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I’d love to agree with you but I feel like we’re about to get speared by the hordes for even daring to talk about the old ways

I cancelled my sub the day after 8.2 launched. I didn’t pay attention to the PTR so once I logged in a realized I didn’t want to do long rep slogs again, or spend any time in Naz, or even be on my main, I knew it was time to leave again. Will I be gone 6 years like last time? Who knows. I’m going to work on my Steam library now and see how I feel when 9.0 is announced.

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It’s not the wow we once knew… the wow we fell in love with… the wow that made us feel like our efforts meant something…

it’s now something wearing wows skin and sucking the life out of us…

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This expac has been rough for me too. I love the game but this current iteration is not holding my attention well. I quit around New Years and took a break. Came back roughly a month ago. I am somewhat refreshed, but I’d be lying if I said I’m doing much in terms of BfA content. I’m mostly just farming 8.2 mounts and leveling a new alt.

I love the game but I hate the last 3 expansions. I hate what they are turning the game into and I have no faith in the current dev team to out out a quality product . Unless Blizzard makes some changes , 9.0 is gonna be the last expansion .

This. It’s like instead of waiting to get home and play it’s like why do I come home to work again with a class and azerite system that feels like garbage

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That shiny thing over your shoulder, that thing you keep reaching for, but it just keeps eluding you? That’s nostalgia, my friend. You ever hear the saying, “You can never go home again”? It’s true. You can get close, even halfway up the driveway, but that front door…you’ll only ever see that once.

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Parasite Eve 1 and 2
RE:1,2, and 3
Chrono Cross/Crusade
Dozens and decades more :stuck_out_tongue:

I go home again quite often
(and it looks like crap on a 4k, so I have a 480 just for the old consoles lol)

I play old games as well, but they aren’t ever the same as when I did that “thing” that first time in a game or in any aspect of life. It’s more like looking through a photo album than actually taking the picture. Close, but not home.

I feel similar, my issues is that they took away my style of play. I quit at the start of BfA, came back with a token recently. I tried to level a character, got 5 levels and quit.

I have played WoW since Vanilla. I love it. I am fickle lover and quit most things that I start doing, but I have always come back to WoW.

That being said, it is really hard for me to stick with BFA. It just feels so grindy, with little reward for it. I feel like BFA is all stick and no carrot.


Personally I’m stuck somewhere in limbo after 8.2 came out. Was hoping for a great addition to the game, had the drive to play. Then after 8.2 came out, did the opening quests, few WQ this and that… Then I just lost that drive to play due to issues I have with the direction and content of 8.2. In my opinion it just fell flat on its face.

However I still love the game.

So I am left sitting here working and looking around forums while I still let my sub tick away each month, I’m not going to outright cancel. Just hoping that drive to play again will come back. Still have several alts that need to level, maybe sometime I will jump back in and just focus on leveling them instead of the BfA content. Maybe even work on Legion and WoD flying.

I dunno, just stuck in limbo. :confused: