Do people still run low level raids?

Thinking about coming back to SOD and playing with a melee hunter. Do people still run BFD and other lower level raids? Is it worth trying to find a group for them, or should I just focus on leveling up to get to high level content?

No, everything sub 60 is extremely slow going. You’ll find the odd group, but with the time you dedicate to the LFG tool, its makes more sense just to do a couple quests.

When sanctified gear comes around people wont even run MC/BWL/AQ so get ready for that.

The only instanced content that gets run at low levels is incursions. Dungeon groups and low level raids are almost never touched anymore. No point in trying to wrangle together a group of 10 when grinding incursion mobs is more exp/hr.

There’s leveling guilds that do different things. I saw people LFG for low level raids and I saw people running lower level players through lower level raids. It depends on the week, day of the week, and time of day

no, people barely even run current content raids. i spent 3 hours trying to find a pug for aq20 and couldn’t get one.

I noticed people usually run aq20 before reset

You guys must be playing a different version. Cuz I see BFD, Gnome and ST ran daily.

ZG/AQruins is ran every day and especially on weekends. MC will still be ran for reels and legendary items. BWL can be a hit or miss. I would advise to watch out for guilds trying to fill a spot of two. Pugs can get stuck on firemaw still, if tanks dont know what they are doing.


Legit what killed sod

Take the world outta world of warcraft and you get the trash known as retail

By your replies i can tell you have no clue about the global looking for group channel


I see adverts for gnomer, bfd and st all the time on wildgrowth

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Of course not LOL!

They banned GDKP like short sighted fools!

They forgot that GDKP keeps all old content alive ROFL!

It keeps gold buyers in the game, that’s about it.

Era got SR raids for all content, including Naxx. Whine more, swiper.

Considering the fact that I know I don’t swipe it’s always hilarious when this response gets thrown at me from the anti GDKP crowd. It’s almost as if their entire argument against GDKP hinges on the requirement that everyone doing it must be swiping.

Its an argument entirely wrapped in envy and resentment. You think others are illegitimately getting ahead of you in a game where you put a lot of your own self worth into so you hate the idea of someone swiping to get ahead, so you just lump GDKP in the bad category.

GDKP doesn’t happen without swipers and whales willing to drop thousands to hundreds of thousands of gold on pixels. The non-swipers rely on swiper whale gold pots to pay for their consumes so that they may attend the next one.

If you aren’t a swiper, then you haven’t realized you’re being used as a tool to help some lazy person fill out their BIS list. Get off the RMT treadmill and game with some gamers.

gold value is all relative to inflation. The size of the pots have nothing to do with whether GDKP is a good loot system or not.

if pots were 100g because of so little inflation in the game but you could buy arcanite for 10g GDKP would still be a good loot system.

its your envy and resentment that makes you hate GDKP

I see you Elron! You can’t hide from us!

/uses Flare
/casts Hunter’s Mark
/sends pet after him
/scratches pet’s belly and calls him a good boy

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