Do people actually like quests in Classic?

There’s a lot of strategy in doing quests that take you here and there to far off places. You have to actually plan out what quests to hand in along the way of doing other quests. Whereas in retail you go one place to do all quests then go to another to do all quests. Just feels too scripted to feel like an adventure. People are STILL confused on how to do these quests without an addon holding their hand. That’s a testament to the amount interactivity it has. Also love it when those npcs just go wandering around and you have to find them. I kind of wish there was an offshoot, alternative expansion for Classic that followed this format of questing.

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Quantity over quantity.

I thought you gnomes were smart. . .

They are, but they also make you go around the world and bring the world together. In retail, each zone is pretty much isolated to itself.

It’s not really worth it xp wise, but it’s really refreshing to do some quests after or before a long grind.

The quests are beautiful in a very contrived way.

The quests are my favorite part of the game. I especially like the variety and the exploration aspect of them that most players have deprived themselves of with addons like Questie. I think they’re far more interesting than 6 boss fights that you repeat over and over again week in and week out. I really have trouble understanding players who describe leveling as tedious and raiding as thrilling. Experiencing the same boss fights, the same strategies, and the same loot possibilities week in and week out seems far more tedious to me.

Some quests I love and will do on every single character i level while others I avoid at any cost.

In Dreams quest chain is awesome, even if i don’t need the quest rewards it’s one I’ll always do. Same with Linken’s chain from Un’goro.

i like when people are out in the world and they care about what they do.

That’s funny

I like some of the quests. I don’t like escort quests though. I’ll do them, but I curse them while doing so.


Did you mean quality over quantity?

I don’t think you should go around calling other people not smart…

i love classic quests killing 50 murlocs for like 5 eyes is the best not sure why are these murlocs are all missing their eyes but it sure is fun killing them

I love classic questing. I’ve done almost all the quests for lvl 10+ on this character, and if I level an alt, I’ll probably go the questing route.

Questing gives me better focus as opposed to just killing mobs by grinding whether dungeon or otherwise.

Irony is lost on your I see.