Do people actually like quests in Classic?

Yes. I love questing more than pretending end-game matters, so I have one 60 who hasn’t even done the 55-60 dungeons yet, and a bunch of other characters from 6 to 53.

In fact, I read them as often as not.

Recently I noticed a comment made by Elling Trias during a quest:

The Defias Brotherhood, you say? Well, you’re certainly the bearer of wonderful news, aren’t you? Next you’re going to tell me that Deathwing is still alive and attacking the city.

Yeah … apparently Cataclysm was ‘foretold’ in a vanilla quest. As a joke.


Thanks for the update on how awesome retail is. Now scurry on back there. Shoo.


Multi zone quests are the kind I like the most


I prefer a quest to feel like AN ACTUAL QUEST, instead of feeling like I’m doing chores. Going on a globetrotting adventure to complete one quest worth not even that much exp is way better than going through the motions. Not to mention that sometimes the quests give really nice rewards that last a long time vs replacing your gear every few levels and still getting weaker due to extremely poor scaling systems.

Retail quests are for babbies who still do chores. Classic quests are for those who got them muscles!


I’m able to enjoy long epic journeys in single player RPGs, but in an MMO…it’s like I see a high level or someone with better gear and I get discouraged.

I make my way to a quest area like killing harpies in Durotar and I see people coming and going, but it’s like I have 20 thoughts jump in my head: one is saying to myself…join up and do this quest fast or do it casual slow not worrying about the other person?

Another is saying, I am late to the game yet again.

In dungeons it’s, I contributed and got nothing to show for it. Lost a roll. RNG bad luck.

Retail practically hands you too many rewards and you get desensitized to them.

I want two contradictory realities in a game. I want the satifaction of ideal gear, skill use, comprehension and story completion of solo adventure RPG, but then share or show off it as a multiplayer RPG.

If that made any sense at all.

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A quest that takes forever but feels rewarding to complete will always be superior to the quest thats short that rewards garbage.


Nice b8 m8

I love the quests in Classic. Many of them actually FEEL like epic quests. After Cataclysm, I felt too many quests were along the lines of, “Hey, can you hand me that book that’s on the shelf right next to me, please?”

That’s not a quest. A quest is when you have to journey to far off lands and/or explore dangerous dungeons to complete the task at hand. The new, “Go fetch me those three things on the floor right next to me.” quests that are in Retail are more like chores than they are actual quests.

I know that Retail WoW is more catered for convenience and the instant gratification crowd. But for me, I prefer my quests to be a little more epic than what they have become in Retail. A quest SHOULD be a difficult challenge in a far away place or a deep dungeon.

Those that aren’t are merely… tasks at best. :smiley:



Well when you have dozens of dailies to complete per day, Blizzard has to keep them short so you’ll come back tomorrow, the next day, and forever.
No I prefer quests that actually mean something, so yeah I love Classic quests


Yes they’re challenging. A quest… should feel like a quest.


Retail quests :

  • Talk to 1 NPC
  • Get 5 quests
  • They are all in the same area 5 meters further
  • Pack/AOE the whole area
  • Quest done, the NPC tell you to go to the next area

I agree that some quests on retail are really well done & fun. For the rest, it’s just boring, not challenging & doesn’t feel rewarding.


Speed of completion does not equate to quality.


It’s an RPG, you need to read them. Then you can choose if you want to do the quest or not.

If you have a quest helper addon, turn it off, that kinda hand holding is why you aren’t having any fun. Also, why are you in a rush? Take your time, its not a race you have loads of time to hit level cap.

Questing is my favorite thing in Classic.

Classic quests are more memorable due to their complexity and time.

BAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA this guy is the next Bill Burr everyone

Outside of this, I mostly agree with you, and even in this case, I dont necessarily disagree outright. I thought MoP and WoD questing was pretty great for the most part, so the opposite of moronic. Even Legion did have its moments.

But I definitely get my eyes glazing over from the modern WoW questing. A large chunk of it seems to be inane technobabble questing, which granted was always a thing but in the last 4-5 years, it’s at an all time high. Frankly, I hate it and am really not sure who these sort of mumbo-jumbo, technobabble lore are interesting to.

I mean, the central storyline of BFA including the defeat of the villain was one long MacGuffin story. Yawn. There’s a reason I even think TBC quests (that the majority hates), yes even the “kill hellfire hell boars one” is miles better than some BFA stuff because it does some meaningful worldbuilding.

I loved doing Classic quests… once.

I hate Classic questing on alts. That’s why I get boosted on my alts.

Quest story is better in Classic than in retail. But once you do the quest once, the story is no longer exciting. The only part of the quest which remains is the chore. Go travel across the world and discover a new zone… wait, I have spent 10 hours in that zone a few months ago, there is nothing to discover. Go travel across the world and waste your time and xp/hour! Uhm, no?

Retail questing is less fun the 1st time, but it has better replayability because it is designed to be EFFICIENT. That’s one of the primary reasons you see way less boostees in retail than in Classic.

if you can do 5 quests in 15 mins, those quests are probably terrible.

id much rather an hour long quest that is immersive, and has decent lore.

To each their own.

I don’t like going down a singular path to 60. I like variety.

Some days I quest.

Some days I grind mobs.

Some days I dungeon level.

Some days I get boosted.

That’s the beauty of this game. You can truly choose whatever path you want to 60.

I notice no differenace betwen Classic quests and Retail quests. There all the same.

Gather “X” amount of “Y”.

Go see Jimbo about a horse.

Investigate a section of a map.

Bring me the head of Barron the Blah.

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