Warriors are mad to not be the FOTM anymore…. MMO ego is fun…
I don’t see an issue, leave the change as it is I agree.
And 90% of the time the people crying nerfs aren’t even good. Lol.
News flash. Hard mode content is already a joke.
And what’s your point ?
Dude, been a while since Warriors were FOTM. I know you’re still hanging on to that but we’re not. Most of the FoTMers have long since rolled DKs dude.
Honestly the most disturbing and interesting part of this for me has been how pervasive and strong the anti Warrior bias is. You really feel hurt don’t you?
Buffed feral instantly overtook warriors on XT, which is the 2nd best fight for fury.
It was like that before the buff. Feral was already middle of the pack or better on many encounters. Warriors are now only better on Kologarn.
Averages don’t matter.
Why do you look at crappy players to make a decision on what needs to be buffed or nerfed?
Averages/medians do not matter. They never did. They never will.
Devs gave their reasoning for the buff.
The gameplay for a feral was unnecessarily over complicated and the only way to parse was to actually press all 18 buttons. Warriors, to parse, only need to press 5.
Yeah, Back in 2008 Wrath Of The Lich King and every Expansion release after that it felt like it was death by 1000 stab wounds and I been a Feral since 2004! Yeah the reason I loved Classic 2019 was because I could BUFF again and do all the stuff I wasnt able to do in retail. So far I like the changes and im hopeful for the future!
Lol the trolls come out hard. Why would you stack ferals when you could stack locks/rogues/DK’s for more dps? Try again.
95th percentile and 99th is nowhere near avg neither is the 80th I’d say. Stop coping ferals are miles ahead of warriors
Warriors also have the 2nd or 3rd best tank spec.
Bear tanks are nowhere to be found and are terrible.
Yeah feral druid tanks are only good in ICC and specifically if they are taurens
ok why does a tank spec dictate how good a dps spec should be, with the feral buff druid tanks got a buff to Pally > Warrior > Bear > DK when it comes to tanking how is that nowhere to be found? Ferals are currently the best off tanks in the game because you can off-tank efficiently in almost pure dps gear. Again I don’t think ferals should be reverted or nerfed but warriors need a buff.
To be fair as a feral main XT25 is extremely lisleading fight here. When we switch targets we can lose combo points if your priority is killing sparks. So please stop trying to use this an an example. Keep it simple to something like Thorim for single target for Final phase ff Mimiron for hard modes.
Because Ferals do as much if not more than rogues currently and they bring Brez, innervate, etc. We have locks in the raid as well but don’t just assume everyone who isn’t you is trolling. A feral with unholy frenzy from our blood dk beats any lock / rogue we have hands down for any fight minus Hodir and Vezax.
ok now buff fury this is so stupid…
With this weeks logs, ferals are in the upper middle section of dps across all bosses in ulduar. Assass rogues still beat us on every fight, and warlocks are still the top overall by quite a bit.
Using b rez and innervate is a significant dps loss for us, so if we’re using those on every fight (which we should be, if needed) we aren’t even upper B tier.
Unholy frenzy doesn’t count on logs btw. So you’re seeing a feral on top on short fights with frenzy, when realistically they were 4th or 5th on your meter.
Welp sorry boys we tried
Annnd it’s gone.