Do NOT update your add ons using curseforge app

Just avoid hitting update all and keep an eye out for the file names, anything with classic or 1.X.XX you avoid that trash.

Not sure why its so tough to keep them separated but I still like the convenience.

Installing? No. But it’s handy to update with just one button. That said I hate the twitch app.

Some of the ElvUI addons have moved to the twitch app. I use Benik and I even posted on their forums asking where to get the latest one, because it wasn’t on their website, and I was told to use the twitch app. And lo and behold, that’s where I’ve gotten the last 3 updates – which still aren’t available on their own website.

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Just got to swap installation directory on twitch app… very simple. Classic or Retail, I don’t see where the issue is.

That’s not the issue. The dropdown is on the correct version. The Twitch app is installing Retail versions into Classic, and vice versa. It’s random and weird.

Clicking the update all button? I ask because I don’t do that, since some of the addons I no longer use so I just choose the ones I want and click the Update button individually. I can see how though, clicking “update all” it would just run through and install addons for all clients, and that could certainly get tricky.

I’ve had it happen 3 times, it only got me once but I’ve seen it suggest classic versions as updates 2 times after that. I’ve been looking at Curse alternatives, yes they exist, but it isn’t really a simple process lol. Going to throw a party when I find a good replacement though.

Or twitch could make a separate client for classic wow.

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Never had that happen.

No, I go addon by addon, because there are some I don’t update.

I’ve never used the updater, just manually download and install.

If I did that, I’d be there for ages. LOL

I’m an addon fiend. :wink:

I don’t know why nobody can make a dead simple addon updater with a focused UI. They’re all either slow, beastly things or overly-spartan command line scripts. Why is there no in between? A list with checkboxes is pretty much the simplest type of UI a program can have!

I’ve had that happen. I’ve noticed it’s mainly when I’ve had the app open for ages so I try to close and reopen it now before updating anything.

what are you using i only play classic and have nothing but dbm n questie … but idk what else i can use for addons i need details for threat meter etc but curseforge suucks

I’ve been using WowUp for a few weeks now and it’s been great.