Do not tie damage output to disengage

New dark ranger talent: Shadow Dagger.
While in combat, Disengage releases a fan of shadow daggers, dealing (5% of Attack power) shadow damage per second and reducing affected target’s movement speed by 30% for 6 sec.

Please, please, please do NOT put damage on this. We will be running into melee every 15 seconds and dumping our major movement ability for extra damage. And PLEASE do NOT leave the damage on it but put disengage on the GCD. I would quit hunter if either of these ideas goes live.

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I think you’re vastly overestimating how much damage a 30% attack power dot is? correct me if I’m wrong but hunters don’t use HET/Implosive Trap as a damage ability, despite both of those being more than 50% attack power abilities


The damage Shadow dagger does is literally around half of a single auto shot. If you use Disengage on cooldown you’ll get 1.5 extra auto shots worth of damage per minute. You’ll be fine not using it.

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If the damage doesn’t matter, why even put it in the talent?

It is a minor optimization, they’ve put something in place which incentives players to use it offensively. If they don’t want this, they need to remove the damage component.

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Not everything that does damage makes it into the rotation. You won’t use it, so don’t worry about it.

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Those are on the GCD

and yet they’re still >50% AP which is a lot more than the 30% dot. it’s literally just flavor. I bet you one million gold right now that now you will not use disengage rotationally for damage.,

you don’t use them because of the cost of not using a better gcd

there is no cost to using something off the gcd barring I need it for movement in the next 20 seconds

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Okay, take my bet then. 1 million gold says disengage isnt a rotational damage ability in 11.0.5

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the answer to that depends on the player

if it does damage and it is off gcd, there will be people using it for damage, whether it is an insignificant amount or not

if the damage on it doesn’t matter, just remove it from the talent

we can use that literal same argument for HET/Implosive. It doesn’t matter if it’s on the GCD or not—if some players see it does damage they will think they need to use it rotationally.

chain is single target %40 slow
daggers aoe %30 slow with a little damage

Because if you throw daggers at someone it will do some damage?

One is a damage loss, the other a damage gain.

The raw AP is irrelevant. Its net AP/GCD over or below what would occur without it is all that matters.

More important still is whether there should be a reward, however minor or unconflicted, for walking out of danger instead of backflipping out of it (just so you can use that backflip on CD instead)… on a hero specs themed after Sylvanus.

I like the idea of the daggers, but it feels like it should work only on enemies who have targeted you in the past few seconds, or that damage should instead pull a Blade & Soul gimmick and leave a dummy/shade that, if struck by a non-raidwide, grants your next attack a follow-up salvo of shadow daggers.

It’s in the talent because it allows a hunter to put a DoT on a rogue while disengaging.

if it works well for demon hunters, i think its fine for hunters as well.

And it’ll break cc

breaks stealth in pvp? not really sure.

probably just a flavor change, like primal strike on ele/resto shaman