Do Not Shard Players

Had no issues? Are you insane? ROFL… how soon they forget.

I honestly don’t believe starting areas are going to be as dense as people think they will be with players. Players are going to spread out on servers and starting their character at different times. Few servers will experience that, but it’s not going to happen on every server.

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I would rather have dc’s and frozen servers than sharding.


Except I speak in facts. You infer things based on…nothing. You assume things will happen to push a narrative formed by personal bias. Sharding isn’t being done for server stability. It’s being done to appease…well, players like you. Players who view other players as an obstacle. Who want to play your way through the game without the burden of other people. Sadly the Current WoW caters to that mentality. If Vanilla does, it’s an instant failure.


i was on a mid pop server, zero issues on launch night.
heck the only issue i had was constantly dieing because it was a huge PvP fest on both sides of the portal. we finally called a truce after about 7 hours.

and i repeat.
since then the tech has gotten better.
we won’t have 8 million people playing.
and we will be split among 6 zones instead of 1.

can you counter any of those arguments?


He’s not here to counter arguments. :wink: He’s here to fearmonger.

Honestly, maybe I’m being optimistic, but I feel like at the very least the devs will offer some servers that have no sharding. They’ve been so great on almost all aspects of Classic that I can’t imagine they’ll force sharding down everyone’s throat. So I’m not really even worried about this issue. It’s just amusing to watch people like this guy make ridiculous claims based on absolutely nothing.


www dot youtube dot com/watch?v=4PTNqpiGiPk

You plainly see the population… the total lag… the rubberbanding… on the first day of TBC, so just stop.

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on a high population server.

now tell me -
has tech improved since 2006?
are 8 million people going to be playing classic?
are those players all going to be in ONE ZONE?


Man, I wish I was at that Dark Portal. That’s what an mmorpg should be about.

By the way, that is an entire server (both factions, all races) shoved together into one area. Divide that number by 6 to get an estimate to Classic’s launch starting zone populations. You’re grasping at straws here.


still waiting for answers on

  1. has tech improved in the past 12 years.
  2. are we going to have 8 million people playing classic like played burning crusade
  3. are those 8 million people going to start in 1 zone or 6?

Were you in the demo? I can tell you the game ran AMAZINGLY well. So much smoother than Current WoW. Out by myself in the Barrens I had 200 fps. You know what I had in the Crossroads with maybe 50 people around? 200 fps. I literally didn’t lose a single frame.

Sharding is not about server stability or burning peoples’ cpus because they can’t handle it. It is purely a convenience feature. And one that has no place in Classic.

Another example near the end of the Demo. Tips 2nd pvp tournament. I was on a character that was sharded away from the masses. There was maybe 2 or 3 of us in Westfall. Just running around wishing we could see what was going on. Switched to a character that was in that shard and suddenly there’s a mass of people around. Crowds cheering, fights going on. All this stuff happening that I would have missed out on because of sharding. And once again sharding into a horde of players had ZERO impact on my frames.

I can tell you as an absolute fact that sharding was completely unnecessary in the Demo. The only purpose it served was to make questing easier for people who didn’t want to compete for mobs.


half an hour and still no response from twidget about the 3 points…

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Hey! you know what didn’t have sharding?


Hey! You know what survived without sharding?



and burning crusade and wrath.


During those times the game not only survived, but thrived.


WoW still lags nearly as bad as it did back in 2006 when there’s a ton of players in the same area. Have you ever wondered why FPS games have never really gone crazy with the number of players they put into the same game? What was the usual high end number of players concurrently playing in the same map 10 years ago? 64? What is it now? 100?

Things go to crap at an exponentially faster rate as number of players in a single area grows. Adding one more player to an area with 500 players already in it is more stressful to the server than adding another player to an area with 50 players in it. Such is the multiplicative nature of data transfer.

TLDR; Blizzard knows the community doesn’t want sharding, they’re obviously considering it because they have an idea of what’s going to happen if they don’t use it.

Also going to post this again:

except there is a big difference in what happened there
they all rolled the same faction
they all rolled the same 2 races that have the same starting zone.

now spread those people across all 6 zones and its not nearly an issue.

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Maybe he got sent to a different shard.

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There’s what, a couple hundred people there? How many people are going to be on the server at once at launch?