Do Not Shard Players

there is more like a thousand people there.

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That dark portal opening was epic though right? All those people that participated will always remember that epic event because of how many people where there to be a part of it. That is the magic that sharding destroys.

And it won’t be recreated. BC servers will launch on separate servers.
Can’t wait to see raids vs raids trying to get into Naxx.


Servers are better now.
PCs are better now.

We’re not playing on toasters connected to microwaves.

There is no reason to shard.

First week it’s starter zones, then the wave is in tier 2 areas… and they’re sharded “for a few weeks”. Now the masses are in tier 3 zones and the sharding has spread…



You are not going to have 1000 people in a starting zone at one time. maybe 300 at peak hours.

Blizzard has also said that they were looking at sharding due to a competition for resource and quest issue and not a hardware limitation issue.

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Sorry, I must make it clear to Blizzard that you do not speak for everyone and that sharding the starting zones for a limited launch window is preferable to any other solution.

And while they have not confirmed in exact statements that it will be used for launch, I believe Brockthorn is correct. Reading between the lines, it seems pretty clear that they are saying just enough to get the player base prepared for its inclusion at launch.

To this point, it’s looking as if Classic is shaping up perfectly for me. Sharding at launch, right-click reporting with auto-squelch, integration, chat spam protections, the old talent trees, the pre-BC world, weapons skills, original music, one sub to all of World of Warcraft (short of having to box-cost the newest xpac)…

Classic is looking amazing so far.


How many zones would they be willing to shard.

I think the experience would be worth it, to see how many players are actually in your area at one time. Sharding will destroy that experience. All for the convenience of a few.



Having multiple servers just sounds like sharding with extra steps.

As many as are necessary. The main difference is that even with sharding, some people are going to fly through it, some people are going to corpse run to another starting zone because they want to, and some will take their time.

Some people won’t even bother getting out of the starting zone because they don’t like the feel of Classic.

The zones after the starting zones are larger, there is a larger pool of quests available, and there won’t be as many people in the same tiny spot at the same time. Sharding launch areas is a necessary evil. Beyond that, not so much.


Is terrible.


More than you might think.

You forgot to reply in the other thread:

Asking in chat is not the same as meeting people in the world while doing things. Do you understand or do you need me to explain this further?


It may not be the same, but you stated that sharding prevents you from playing with people in the same zone. It does not.

And even then, you won’t be in a shard by yourself, so there will still be people to meet without chatting.

You will meet people in the world with sharding, unless you’re one of those people who thinks sharding creates a personal shard for every individual person?

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That’s the authentic classic experience! But seriously, the problem is if they use mega sized servers at the start are they going to lower server caps later on? Or will we just need sharding any time there’s a population influx? So every time there’s a content draught on live or every time they drop the next content bucket on classic? I honestly don’t think blizzard will be able to not shard later if they shard at the start.

I rolled a new character on a fresh server at TBC launch, which I feel like will be a similar volume event to what classic launch will be, and it was chaotic and I definitely got dc’d a time or two, but I don’t remember people rage quitting wow forever over a DC or some lag.


Except the player controls which server they play on? Servers don’t change without notice or control? So no it really doesn’t?


and that’s the problem.


it does reduce the number of people you run into though. which is kind of anethema to the whole “MMO” aspect.

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it does reduce how many people you run into. so yes it has issues. furthermore, how many times have you run up to a node to harvest only to have it go away due to sharding?


It’s not a problem, but go ahead and keep believing that if it helps you sleep at night.

Nope. “MMO” is not some arbitrary number. MMO only means that there are many people playing the game at once, not that you are required to see or interact with all of them at once.

no. the problem is that they start with “were sharding only starting zones” and even you said you only want the starting zones sharded. and now you’ve moved onto as many as neccesary.
now city raids are dead
now tm vs ss is dead
now the dynamic of world boss raids changes completely.

the whole point of MMOs is to interact with others. especially classic.
why do you think so many rares and elites require groups?
why do you think dungeons require groups? why do you think raids require groups?
why do you think so many of the best rewarding quests require groups?

the fact is that it doesn’t feel like an mmo with sharding in the slightest. i see far less people out there


Which you can still do with sharding.

sharding actively reduces the number of people i see and thus can interact with. that is the problem.
remember in vanilla when you would run by another player and they would trade buffs?
much less likely to happen.
heck how i got into my vanilla guild would be much less likely to happen with sharding.

no thanks.

furthermore even if you have shown your true colors. not too long ago you were saying to shard only the starting zones. now your saying to shard as much as neccesary. no. absolutely not.