Do Not Shard Players

How are people suppose to defend the cross roads or westfall if people start attacking them and world defense is going off, with sharding.


#No Sharding

Please don’t use sharding!


no to sharding, as well


Funny I had none of those issues in bc.


There’s going to be too many servers up splitting up the starting population. Very few will experience the worry that some are having about population overload in starting zone. Increased spawn rate will be fine. No sharding will be necessary, at all.

Same size as Vanilla… and the first day there will be thousands of us on the servers… it is going to crawl at a snails pace for days. But you just keep decrying Sharding and we can all sit around with our thumbs up our butts on launch day because the servers will be so bogged down we wont be able to move.

Good job.

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We arent talking about BC are we.

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We’re talking about Vanilla, which has 6 starting areas. TBC had 1.


we are talking about vanilla.
which won’t have 8 million people playing.
which won’t have every single player from both factions trying to go from 1 zone, to another zone.
which will also have much better technology to back it up.

so yeah. it should be a heck of a lot better.


ROFL. If you think we are going to be able to do ANYTHING without sharding for the first week you are completely out of your minds.

Enjoy your dc’s and frozen servers.

I’m sure if you keep repeating the same nonsense again and again it’ll make it true.


Seems to be working for you, so why not.

bc had 8 million players. all starting in one zone.
and except for the high population servers, it had no issues.
the tech has gotten better since then.
8 million people won’t be playing.
and they will be spread across 6 different zones.

so i think it will be fine.


Had no issues? Are you insane? ROFL… how soon they forget.

I honestly don’t believe starting areas are going to be as dense as people think they will be with players. Players are going to spread out on servers and starting their character at different times. Few servers will experience that, but it’s not going to happen on every server.

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I would rather have dc’s and frozen servers than sharding.


Except I speak in facts. You infer things based on…nothing. You assume things will happen to push a narrative formed by personal bias. Sharding isn’t being done for server stability. It’s being done to appease…well, players like you. Players who view other players as an obstacle. Who want to play your way through the game without the burden of other people. Sadly the Current WoW caters to that mentality. If Vanilla does, it’s an instant failure.


i was on a mid pop server, zero issues on launch night.
heck the only issue i had was constantly dieing because it was a huge PvP fest on both sides of the portal. we finally called a truce after about 7 hours.

and i repeat.
since then the tech has gotten better.
we won’t have 8 million people playing.
and we will be split among 6 zones instead of 1.

can you counter any of those arguments?


He’s not here to counter arguments. :wink: He’s here to fearmonger.

Honestly, maybe I’m being optimistic, but I feel like at the very least the devs will offer some servers that have no sharding. They’ve been so great on almost all aspects of Classic that I can’t imagine they’ll force sharding down everyone’s throat. So I’m not really even worried about this issue. It’s just amusing to watch people like this guy make ridiculous claims based on absolutely nothing.


www dot youtube dot com/watch?v=4PTNqpiGiPk

You plainly see the population… the total lag… the rubberbanding… on the first day of TBC, so just stop.