Do Not Shard Players

It is insane that the Sharding system killed the MMO part of the game.


I’m not buying their reasons to put sharding in. If I have to choose not to do a quest because there’s too many people, that’s fine. Maybe I chose to group with strangers to try and start the defias traitor escort quickly. Maybe I just go grind some boars. These are decisions I want to have to make as I level. I say :no_entry_sign: sharding.


In reality this will only be the case in the starter zones. When people leave West Fall and other similar starting zones this won’t be the case. It may be fustrating but that is “warts and all,” when we are talking about the most authentic classic experience. Starting zones should have increased spawns and drop rates for first 2 weeks after that normalized. But to shard, no way!


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Are you saying that you have no plans to play Classic if sharding is used at all?


I bet lots of people feel the same. It detracts from the experience of being a part of massive organic events. To be sharded away from a large mass of your server community feels bad man.


How does it feel to be 1 of 1000 people in the starting zone when you can’t move, get constantly dc’ed, get to watch rubberbanding for an hour instead of actually getting something done?

Temporary sharding of the starter zones will be fine, and at this point, if anyone wants to get anything done at all for the first week is going to be REQUIRED.


I’m a bit mixed about this actually. While I do admit the massive influx of players at launch will be an issue for people completing quests (which is even more important to leveling back then), at the same time I agree that it will ruin the feel of the game as it was back then. Even if you group up in a full 5-man party to do quests there’ll still be massive competition. Either it has to be sharding, temporarily at least, or increased respawn rates. You have to see things from their end too. They’re trying to find a solution. I don’t normally say this about Blizzard but we need to put some faith in them. Be happy they’re doing WoW Classic at all.

My understanding of the reason they’re likely to shard servers at launch is the following:

Instead of launching Classic with an absurd number of servers to deal with the incredibly large influx of players at launch, they’re going with a more limited number of servers and piling on many more players than they otherwise would, in order to ensure a healthy community arises and is allowed to flourish after the initial “tourism” wave dies down.

Would you rather they launch with five times as many servers, and three months down the road merge them? Would you like to see four other players with your name and various server identifiers attached to them? Eg: Galdor-Maelstrom, Galdor-Stormrage; Galdor-Thrall, Galdor-Sargeras.


How big do you think the servers will be? The chances will be low for most servers because of how many servers will be available for players to choose from. Not everyone will choose the same server at the exact same time at launch. Maybe one or two servers that have a cool name or something. But it will not be as dramatic as you think it will be. Most players will be choosing different servers, the density you may be imagining will not occur. It will be rare, on the one or two servers it will happen on. How many servers do you think will be created for launch?

They are going to need a lot of servers for 8 million players.


Many players will coordinate to get on popular servers via discord or streamers. However, something everyone seems to be missing regarding sharding and server capacity is that Actiblizz is using modern server architecture to support Classic.

LOL.shard the servers with the streamers and their groupies.
That should go over well :slight_smile:


How are people suppose to give Asmongold all that free stuff if they’re in a different shard?




I’m all for sharding, so long as it’s only for the first few weeks in lower level areas.

Once you get to thirty-ish you generally have an opinion on whether or not you’re going to keep playing. Generally.

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As has been said before, slippery slope is slippery. As developers they might like what Sharding may do. And will implement it destroying possible experiences for players past just the starting zones. There has to be a solid commitment stated that Sharding will not be implemented on Classic WoW servers.

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How are people suppose to defend the cross roads or westfall if people start attacking them and world defense is going off, with sharding.


#No Sharding

Please don’t use sharding!


no to sharding, as well


Funny I had none of those issues in bc.


There’s going to be too many servers up splitting up the starting population. Very few will experience the worry that some are having about population overload in starting zone. Increased spawn rate will be fine. No sharding will be necessary, at all.