Do not remove pets from MM hunter (Megathread)

Actually I have explained in detail to you at least twice. You just choose to ignore it and continue being dishonest.

It can’t work
It’s been explained why it can’t work
The changes are happening.

It’s sad that so many people who post refuse to even try to understand that we all don’t play the same way or find the same things enjoyable.


We understand why you want to keep the pet. We also understand you play differently.

What you don’t understand is that you’re a minority and the fixes MM needs in group content are more important than how you play trivial content.

Cool story, but we’ve managed for 20 years now with MM having pets.
0/10 change. I don’t give a hoot about optimal DPS or Mythic+ progression.

They took Water Elemental from my Frost Mage (who I haven’t actively played since) and they’re taking my pets away from my MM Hunters in the name of optimizing the fun out of the game.


This was a major improvement to Frost spec and Frost Mages and sees the elemental used much more now because it’s tied to Icy Veins.

I will never understand why people complain about gameplay or spec improvements.


Out of that 20 years there have been issues and they are finally being fixed with the majority of the playerbase

You clearly don’t care about optimal dps or mythic plus and that’s fine. We don’t care about you struggling in solo content.

Group content is the focus of this game not solo content.

In the name of fixing the classes. Guess what. Frost is in a much better place since the change and MM will be too.

Deal with it

Or don’t

We don’t really care.


already answered this question of yours:

That is literally the majority of people who play MM.
If you made a poll asking how many MM hunters use pets vs not, you will see those who use them are in the minority.


In what way is removing optional pet going to improve MM?


The same way it’s been explained to you multiple times.

MM is now not penalized for using its utility.

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Easy then they don’t have to try and balance the spec around having two different playstyles while trying to drive it to be a solo and sharpshooter based spec since Legion, it mainly comes back to people playing the spec properly vs not and that was a personal choice to play it wrong but now Blizzard is gonna fix that and make people play it how it was supposed to be played.


I logged onto the PTR. Copied my hutner. It felt bad.

“Call pet” is still there but it just says “you cannot do that yet”. It’s very disheartening.


But it’s also been explained MULTIPLE times. That you can move the utility to the hunter without deleting the ability to summon your pet.

Most classes have dozens if not more possible playstyles and they’re never all perfectly balanced with each other. Your logic would take away all player choice and build diversity and turn WoW into FFXIV.


Maybe it would be better if they did but somehow I think people like you would still complain about them improving the game because of how they had to change certain things or specs which again is silly because it’s improvements which is never a bad thing.

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It’s crazy to me how they give BM more options the ability to have 1 pet instead of 2.

But take away options from MM from being able to have 0-1 pet to having only 0 pet.

Honestly I’d love 2 pets and dual wielding as survival so I can finally live out my rexxar fantasy.

I’ve never been against improvements to the game. I’m against the pointless purging of optional features. Especially ones that provide QoL, have sentimental or roleplaying value.

I’ve said in the former thread that I think moving the utility and keeping pet suboptimal is fine with me. Just don’t disable the ability to call pet.

I can’t speak for anyone but I personally haven’t read anyone upset about QoL or gameplay improvements in regards to these changes. I’ve seen complaints about loss of pet, and complaints about the eagle visual but not the changes of moving pet utility to hunter.

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Beastmastery is pet centric, it makes 100% sense you’d have that kind of option.

This is again a soloing/sharpshooter goal which is what it actually finally will be when these changes go live which is lovely.

This would be a better ask rather than asking for them to backtrack on Marksmanship changes.

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And it’s also been explained multiple times the balancing issues.

Your confusing builds for playstyle.

Most specs have different builds not different playstyle

There is no balance issue with allowing pets on MM that is unique to that spec.

then make it a talent.

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They tried that and people still played the spec wrong so now instead of giving you the choice they are cookie cuttering the spec so you have to play it right if you play it.

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Cookie cuttering is bad.

Normally I would agree with you but in this case I think it’s for the better because it will improve the spec overall and people that have been playing it wrong will adapt or spec switch or class switch or quit playing but in the end gameplay for Marksmanship will be improved overall which is the goal.

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Actually there is as I have explained it to you twice. You refusing to accept it is a you issue

Won’t change anything.