<DO NOT RELEASE> Recruiting

Progression Orientated Guild while still having fun.

Current Prog: 13/14

Who we are: An experienced group of players with many years of retail experience looking to clear all the content classic has to offer.
Our goal is to build a community and clear new content.

Who we are looking for: We are looking for players who intend to clear Mount Hyjal/BT, and by definition, are in it for the long haul. This includes farming BiS, materials for consumables, and helping the guild progress as a whole.

What we expect from you: Community. Maturity; both in guild or out-of-guild. Ninja looting is also a no-no.

Raid Schedules:
730p-1130p (Server Time) Wednesday
830p-12a (Server Time) Friday
730p-1130p (Server Time) Saturday

Also PVP Tuesdays occasionally at 730p(Server Time)

Loot currently is EPGP.

What we are looking for:
Resto Shaman
Holy Paladin
Any Ranged DPS

Raid Team openings: To be adjusted based on comp. Any exceptional DPS are welcome to apply. Open invites for social members/ people still leveling. How to join: Feel free to contact Phale, Spei, or Medik in-game. Thanks for taking the time to read through our application, and regardless of who you join… good luck with raiding this time around! https://discord.gg/ZTMAFqW

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Great guild, good raiders, and they still have amazing fun!

How are you on hunters?