Do not open your timewalking cache

QA department does not exist.

We are the beta testers now on live servers.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:

I fortunately got a heads up from a random player while waiting for the Keep to start that it was bugged, so I’m not handing it in yet, same with the completed Accord Weekly, I’ll hang on to that too until tomorrow.

Yea, heard the Accord weekly is only giving a splinter rather than a full spark…unknown if its intended yet or not…but im holding onto mine for confirmation

just turned in mine and it appears to be fine. got the caster mace from fyrakk at 502. woo!

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I got a heroic upgrade from the TW Raid skip at least, Yall say blizzard never learns, yall never learn from opening chests immediately after a new season LOL

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Opened my cache and got a 441 Flame-Warped Curio. RIP

Same here, I don’t think the lady who’s supposed to exchange it takes it anymore either

I thought it was fixed now? My guildies were saying they were getting 491?

And only the players who didn’t know pay the price as they will get no loot from blizzard.

Damn still not fixed? This is a very long wait to fix something like this. It should be an immediate hotfix or server maintenance to stop more from make ng this mistake.

Do not turn this in UNTIL a blue post is made please everyone!

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There is an on-going post in bug-reports, I suggest posting there about it.

Time Walking Quest Reward not correct ilvl - Support / Bug Report - World of Warcraft Forums (

Opened mine for a pair of 395 legs :frowning:

Seems intentional. You can get half a spark (splinter) from either the PVE or PvP weekly, and the other half as a drop. I got my 2nd splinter last night in a +2 but if I look at the quest giver for the PvP weekly it says I already earned my spark for the week (I completed the PVE weekly first).

Got a 405 Seal of Filial Duty, opened a ticket and told to complain here.