Do not invite amoranis

Let group know I was doing cos for Soul Preserver before instance. Frost mage armoranis needed on it, won and wouldn’t trade.

Yeah you can’t reserve gear in dungeons. This technically is on you. Loot isn’t yours to do with as you will in dungeons and no one here is going to not run with this guy because he rolled on something he needed IN A DUNGEON.

Try harder.

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If you’re reserving gear in a dungeon, why would you not swap to master looter to avoid this exact scenario? Baffling

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Kind of missed the point here. Soul Preserver is a healing trinket. Frost mages do not benefit from the trinket. The person that needed the trinket does not understand their class.

I stand corrected then. But I consistently hear people complain about people rolling need on gear multiple people can use

Thats f’d up. I hate ppl. And thank you for this. I wont run with that d-bag.