Do NOT cap delves to 18 gilded crests

This is an incredibly bad decision. As soon as players hit this cap, they will once again try to go from Delves to Mythic Plus 7 or higher for more… bricking keys they don’t have any experience with.

This isn’t throwing shade at the solo players, as this is the logical next step to their gearing because of another dumb limitation designed by Blizzard.

Share the same seasonal cap and drop gilded from 8 or higher. Done. Good work.


Not sure this would solve the problem you listed. If these players get all their hero track gear maxed out with gilded crests from T8 delves, they’re still going to move onto M+ and brick keys because they don’t know the mechanics and/or are not used to group play.

They’ll just do it at a higher level than +7s because their maxed out hero track gear will get them into a higher key.


To be clear, while I agree with you, based on the interviews I’ve seen… blizzard seems to think that soloers are supposed to be interested in M+ as, iirc, Ion himself has said that Delves are intended to funnel solo players into engaging with M+.

Trust me when I say I’d rather not engage with M+ at all, and haven’t, and have nearly the same lack of interest in Mythic Raiding… yet I feel like outside of a few specific class/specs T9+ Delves are designed for Mythic/M+ geared players.


I don’t think delve crests should be capped. But the whole delvers getting gear and bricking keys thing is nonsense. Anyone that invites based on ilvl instead of experience deserves what they get.


To be fair, Ion’s also an idiot on this topic. I wouldn’t take his advice to put out a fire.


Which was a very disappointing thing for Ion to say considering that is not how it was sold to us. I mean, it’s their product they can do what they want obviously, I just thought they were actually building something based off of player wants/feedback. Silly me.


This being done so delve players will be able to upgrade there hero track gear fully over the season.

That is why people doing such keys will vet people applying before inviting them. If you invite someone who has a horrible rating and seems to always be in untimed keys, then that is on you.

Blizzard wants us doing all 3 forms of content at some point.

If you want decent gear you do delves, then better gear add M+ or mythic raid, then the best gear you do both M+ and Mythic raid.

18 is fine if you stop at delves just like 1 piece of myth track a week is fine if you stop at M+. They do need to greatly buff crests from raid though.

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Blizzard wants to railroad everyone into M+. All other PvE gearing is just supplemental to M+ gear.

Nothing at all in any way or shape or form makes me want to funnel into M+. In fact, to me Delves are the perfect anti-M+ content. It’s a nice breath of fresh air for once in a ridiculously overcomplicated esports scene for an endgame.

I’m not nor can be an esports gamer I’m too old for that so I have zero intention of becoming that (how many late 30s to 40s esports gamers are there in the world? Or even older?).

That said it is nice they are giving the option to have a potential upgrade towards higher ilevel in Delves.


If there plan is the funnel playere into m+ the they need to add it to dungeon finder. The big issue is that unless you play meta you could spending hours just getting denied over and over again. This isn’t fun. They really just need to let solo play solo and move on

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The seasonal weekly cap should be the same for everyone. If people want to grind out delves. Let them! The cap should be the same for every player in every form of content.

Honestly, on a side note I hate the way the system creeps up and slows our progression week to week. But it is okay if we miss a few weeks to grind like hell to catch up to everyone else. Just another form of unnecessary time gating.


I think the whole point of adding gilded crests to delves is just to give raiders and M+ players the option of doing fewer dungeons without falling behind on crests. I dont think blizz wants delves to completely kill the gilded crest grind, which is good because it just doesnt make sense to allow players to get all their crests from solo content.

The whole point of having a gearing system, as opposed to everyone having identical stats, is progression. Every week you get better gear so that everything is easier, but in order to get the best gear in the fewest amount of weeks you need to do the hardest content. The quickest way to get the best (PVE) gear is Mythic raiding since it is the hardest content in the game, requires the most learning, and it involves lots of working with other players, which is the whole point of an MMO. M+ gives players a slower way to get the same gear in that you can only get 1 myth item per week, if you are lucky with your vault, but also it lets players slowly grind for all of their gilded crests if they arent in a raid group that can fully clear the raid on mythic. M+ doesnt drop myth gear no matter how high you go above +10 because then it would invalidate gearing from mythic raids.

No matter how good you are at M+, the people clearing mythic raids will always get the best gear in the fewest amount of weeks.

But delves never drop myth gear so people who only do them will never get the best gear. And this is the point. Just as M+ is worse for getting gear so that it doesnt invalidate clearing mythic raids, delves give a limited number of gilded crests so that they dont invalidate grinding M+ for crests.

Theres also the fact that every 2 weeks you can craft an item that is just 3 ilvls below the best items. This means that over the season, delve only players can eventually get very well geared, but if you want to get geared in fewer weeks from either more crests or a few myth items, then you need to do hard group content.

TL;DR: delve only players getting the same amount of gilded crests as mythic raiders and high M+ players would break gear progression.

he didn’t say that at all LOL

he said solo players engaging in delves, than jumping into mythic + thinking their gear will carry them, especially in keys at 7 and above without any experience were getting wrecked.

and that wasn’t the intent

Can everyone in this thread just go re-watch the blizzcon deep dive on delves again please? During that the exact quotes:

“Delves are role agnostic.”

Except white hits in high delves practically one shot casters.

Lessons learned from Torghast, Islands, Scenarios
“We’ve learned a lot about how to tune these sorts of experiences, how to design them, for flexible scaling groups of different sizes and different role compositions”

Lol no it was WHACK in groups when it came out, scaling way out of control…

“Delves are a new end game pillar.”
“A key aspect in saying this is an end game pillar is that it’s an offering in parallel to the others, to dungeons, to raids.”

This point failed completely in season 1, functionally delves was 619 item level (Bounty Maps too rare to reliably get to 626 in a reasonable time frame with delves alone… and even then, that’s only 626).

PvPers craft themselves or buy from vendor 639 gear.

Mythic raiders can loot 639 gear.

Mythic Plus players can get to 639 with vault rewards only…

Delves was not parallel in season 1.

“Every delve will end in a vault full of treasure.”

You loot 7 gold.
You loot 6 gold.
You loot 7 gold.
You loot 5 gold.
You loot 7 gold.
You loot 6 gold.
You loot 5 gold.

Didn’t even cover deathless run repairs.

In regards to having a companion
“As brann ventures with you… you will be able to spec him and customise his abilities to compliment what you or your friends are bringing to the group. Whether you want more survivability (healer) whether you want help with someone to tank (tank?) or whether you want more control (dps)… This can help us balance the experience as well.”

If Brann could tank in season 1 the white hits instantly killing squishy classes might have been an avoidable problem and made for a much better experience for a lot of players.


This would go against Blizzard’s stated goal of Rewards = Difficulty of content. D8s are objectively easier than M+8s so the crest cap is warranted.

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But this is blizzard we’re talking about. They’re worried that if you can grind gilded crests in delves, there will be an unacceptable dip in M+ participation, and we can’t have that.

I was only running Mythic+ because I felt forced to do it anyway. It isn’t game content I enjoy at all. But your right. They need to keep participation up. They just need to do it for all forms of endgame content. Especially if Delves are to remain an Evergreen feature.

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If they want to get me to engauge with m+ it would be really fricking simple.

Get rid of trash %. Put the difficulty on bosses instead of trash. Change the timer from a count down to failure, into a race to get the fastest time. Have break points for +1 +2 etc. The faster you do the key, the more rating.

Basically, it should have been the same as challenge modes, except you can get gear/upgrade currency from it instead of elite transmogs.

I will never be excited to kill trash more gooder. Its boring as


Wot, in challenge modes the vast majority of the difficulty was in the trash and it was a count down timer… Did you even do challenge modes?

Shocking, the company that makes an mmo keeps designing the game in a way to keep people interacting with the massively multiplayer part of their online game